Safonov, Evgenii (QMUL)
"Socially Efficient Approval Mechanism with Signaling Costs"
Mohseninejad, Fereshteh (QMUL - PhD Student)
Title: TBA
Gallo, Andrea (QMUL - PhD Student)
Aniol Llorente-Saguer (QMUL)
Stan Cheung (QMUL - PhD Student)
"The Hard Problem and the Tyranny of the Losers" (joint with Marco Mariotti and Roberto Veneziani).
Jan Knoepfle (QMUL)
"Dynamic Competition for Attention"
Illia Pasichnichenko (QMUL)
"Revealing Features from Optimal Choice" (joint with Christopher Kops, Paola Manzini, and Marco Mariotti)
Ester Sudano (QMUL - PhD Student)
Ludovic Renou (QMUL)
Evgenii Safanov (QMUL)
"Framing and Ambiguity"
"Should the Timing of Inspections be Predictable?" (joint with Ian Ball)
Alp Atakan (QMUL)
Asen Ivanov (QMUL)
Borda-Optimal Linear Taxation of Labour Income [PDF 334KB]
"Borda-Optimal Taxation of Labour Income [PDF 455KB]"
Anja Prummer (QMUL)
"Discrimination in Promotion [PDF 400KB]"
Thomas Norman (University of Oxford)
"Stability Implies Renegotiation Proofness [PDF 306KB]"
Daniele Caliari (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Consistency of Choice in Time and Risk Preferences"
Luca Zamboni (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Persuasion of a Confirmation-Biased Agent"
"Cross Verification and Persuasive Cheap Talk"
"Robust Communication on Networks"
"Behavioral Welfare Analysis and Revealed Preference: Theory and Experimental Evidence [PDF 458KB]"
David Freeman (Visiting Scholar - Simon Fraser University)
"Revealing Choice Bracketing"
Dhruva Bhaskar (QMUL)
"Regulation Design in Insurance Markets (joint with Andrew McClellan and Evan Sadler) [PDF 371KB]"
"Resource Allocation with Positive Externalities (joint with Evan Sadler) [PDF 327KB]"
"Rationalizable voting"
João Ramos (University of Southern California)
"Partnership with Persistence" (joint with Tomasz Sadzik)
Radoslawa Nikolowa (QMUL)
"Decentralized Governance in Blockchain Ecosystems"
"The Value of Monitoring in Dynamic Screening"
Maya Jalloul (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Opinion formation and timing of disclosure"
Matthew Ryan (AUT - Visiting Professor)
"Stochastic Expected Utility for Binary Choice: New Representations"
"Optimal Default Policies in Defined Contribution Pension Plans when Employees are Biased"
"From Deterministic Threshold to Stochastic Additive Perturbed Utility models"
Luca Grezio (QMUL - PhD Student)
Micro Theory Paper Review - "Electoral Competition with Rationally Inattentive Voters" (by Filip Matejka and Guido Tabellini)
"Micro Theory Paper Review - Rational Inattention"
"Price Discovery with Costly Competitive Bidding" (joint with Mehmet Ekmekci)
Spyros Galanis (University of Southampton)"Financial Complexity and Trade"
Christopher Tyson (QMUL)"Intermediate Microeconomics with Exponential Satisficing Agents"
Mikhail Timonin (QMUL - PhD student)"Axiomatization of the Choquet integral and some aspects of its behavioural analysis"
Daniele Caliari (QMUL - PhD student)"Bayesian Revealed Preference Analysis"
Willemien Kets (Northwestern University)"Challenging conformity: A case for diversity"
Kirill Pogorelskiy (University of Warwick)"Media Bias and News Sharing on Social Networks: A Laboratory Study" (joint with Matthew Shum)
Rohan Dutta (McGill University)
"Collusion Constrained Equilibrium"
James Peck (Ohio State University)"Temporary Boycotts as Self-Fulfilling Disruptions of Markets"
Maya Jalloul (QMUL - PhD student)"Systemic Risk in Financial Networks: the Role of Insurance"
Mikhail Timonin (QMUL - PhD student)"The Choquet integral in multi-criteria decision analysis"
Stefania Simon (QMUL - PhD student)"Foreign students in English universities: an analysis of highly skilled immigrants"
Aniol Llorente-Saguer (QMUL)"The Marginal Voter's Curse"
Christopher Tyson (QMUL)"Rationalizability of Menu Preferences"
Yukinori Iwata (Visiting QMUL)"Generalized Revealed Attention"
Nizar Allouch (QMUL)Title: TBA
Efe Ok (NYU)"Coalitional Expected Multi-Utility Theory"
Nick Vriend (QMUL)"Social Identity and Punishment in a Minimum Effort Game"