Mikkel Baggesgaard Mertz (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Labour market consequences of a criminal record"
Eugenio Merlano (QMUL - PhD Student)
Title: TBA
Ezgi Kurt (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Text-based methods: An overview"
Rodrigo Gorga Vera (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Citizen monitoring and Politician's Accountability: Evidence from Twitter"
Elisa Facchetti (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Exposure to crime and pupils’ outcome: Evidence from London"
"Labor Market Consequences of having a Criminal Record"
"Boundary estimation in the regression-discontinuity design: Evidence for a merit- and need-based financial aid program"
Alexander Kontoghiorghes (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Taking AIM at Heterogeneous Preferences and the Bequest Motive"
Laura Perez Cervera (QMUL - PhD Student)
"E-information is Power? Internet and Allocation of Government Spending"
Hanifa Pilvar (QMUL - PhD Student)
"The Health Outcomes of C-section: Evidence from a Large Health Care Program in Iran"
"DiD, Event Studies etc."
"Two-way fixed effects estimators with heterogenous treatment effects"
Giulia Tozzi (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Narco-Deforestation: The Environmental Effects of Coca Cultivation"
Viola Salvestrini (QMUL - PhD Student)
"From minority to majority: How gender diversity affects the quality of decisions" (joint with Maddalena Ronchi)
Gabriel Chaves Bosch (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Earnings losses after job displacement"
Antonio Jose Leon Fernandez (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Post-Audits Nepotism"
Yuting Wang (QMUL - PhD Student)
Alex Yarkin (Brown University)
"Learning from the Origins"