Mikkel Baggesgaard Mertz (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Labour market consequences of a criminal record"
Eugenio Merlano (QMUL - PhD Student)
Title: TBA
Ezgi Kurt (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Text-based methods: An overview"
Rodrigo Gorga Vera (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Citizen monitoring and Politician's Accountability: Evidence from Twitter"
Elisa Facchetti (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Exposure to crime and pupils’ outcome: Evidence from London"
"Labor Market Consequences of having a Criminal Record"
"Boundary estimation in the regression-discontinuity design: Evidence for a merit- and need-based financial aid program"
Alexander Kontoghiorghes (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Taking AIM at Heterogeneous Preferences and the Bequest Motive"
Laura Perez Cervera (QMUL - PhD Student)
"E-information is Power? Internet and Allocation of Government Spending"
Hanifa Pilvar (QMUL - PhD Student)
"The Health Outcomes of C-section: Evidence from a Large Health Care Program in Iran"
"DiD, Event Studies etc."
"Two-way fixed effects estimators with heterogenous treatment effects"
Giulia Tozzi (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Narco-Deforestation: The Environmental Effects of Coca Cultivation"
Viola Salvestrini (QMUL - PhD Student)
"From minority to majority: How gender diversity affects the quality of decisions" (joint with Maddalena Ronchi)
Gabriel Chaves Bosch (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Earnings losses after job displacement"
Antonio Jose Leon Fernandez (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Post-Audits Nepotism"
Yuting Wang (QMUL - PhD Student)
Alex Yarkin (Brown University)
"Learning from the Origins"
Konstantinos Gkionis (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Private Information and Price Regulation in the US Credit Card Market" by Scott Nelson
Ondrej Honzik (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Benchmarks in Search Markets" by Darrell Duffie, Piotr Dworczak, and Haoxiang Zhu
Mina Mirshahi (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Decomposing Firm Value" by Federico Belo, Vito Gala, Juliana Salomao and Maria Ana Vitorino
Yanbo Song (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Uncertainty, Time-Varying Fear, and Asset Prices" by Itamar Drechsler
Haiqa Ali (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Financial contracting and Organizational Form: Evidence from the Regulation of Trade Credit" by Emily Breza and Andres Liberman
Kazuhiro Hiraki (QMUL - PhD Student)
"The Estimation of Option-Implied Measures under the Violation of the Martingale Restriction"
Fabio Calonaci (QMUL - PhD Student)
"News Shocks and Asset Prices" by Lorenzo Bretscher, Aytek Malhozov and Andrea Tamoni
Dennis Iweze (QMUL - PhD Student)
"A Theory of Debt Maturity: The Long and Short of Debt Overhang" by Douglas W. Diamond and Zhiguo He
Ali Ebadi (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Does Academic Research Destroy Stock Return Predictability?" by R. David McLean and Jeffrey Pontiff
Dennis Iweze and Haiqa Ali (QMUL - PhD Students)
"The Rise of the Equity Lending Market: Implications for Corporate Policies" by Pedro Saffi, Rafael Matta and Murillo Campello
"Managers with and without Style: Evidence Using Exogenous Variation" by Charles J. Hadlock, Joshua R. Pierce, and C. Edward Fee
"Margin-based Asset Pricing and Deviations from the Law of One Price" by Nicolae Gârleanu and Lasse Heje Pedersen
"Performance-Sensitive Debt" by Gustavo Manso, Bruno Strulovici, and Alexei Tchistyi
"Finding a Good Price in Opaque Over-the-Counter Markets" by Haoxiang Zhu
"Financial Market Dislocations" by Paolo Pasquariello
"The Growth and Limits of Arbitrage: Evidence from Short Interest" by Samuel G. Hanson and Adi Sunderam
"Short Selling and the Price Discovery Process" by Juan (Julie) Wu and Ekkehart Boehmer
"Optimal Contracting and Corporate Policies"
"Trading Fast and Slow: Competition Between Heterogeneous Liquidity Providers in an Order Driven Market"
Denys Iliasov (QMUL - MRes Student)
"New Evidence on Measuring Financial Constraints: Moving Beyond the KZ Index" (Charles J. Hadlock and Joshua R. Pierce)
Alex Kontoghiorghes (QMUL - PhD Student)
"Does Hedging Affect Firm Value? Evidence from a Natural Experiment" by Gilje and Taillard
"Immigration, innovation and wage: a tale of two brain drain events in the UK"
"Understanding the Rise in Corporate Cash: Precautionary Savings or Foreign Taxes" by Michael W Faulkender, Kristine W Hankins, Mitchell A Petersen
"A Model of Monetary Policy and Risk Premia" by Itamar Drechsler, Alexi Savov, and Philipp Schnabl
Discussion Title: TBA
Denys Iliasov (QMUL - PhD Student)
"International Corporate Governance Spillovers: Evidence from Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions" by Rui Albuquerque, Luis Brandão-Marques, Miguel A Ferreira, Pedro Matos.
"Need for Speed? Exchange Latency and Liquidity" by Albert Menkveld and Marius Zoican
Yu Bai (QMUL - Visiting PhD Student)
"Comparing Asset Pricing Models" by Barillas and J. Shanken
"Employment Protection, Investment, and Firm Growth" by John Bai, Douglas Fairhurst, and Matthew Serfling.
"Taking AIM at the Bequest Motive" by Alex Kontoghiorghes
"Why Don’t We Agree? Evidence from a Social Network of Investors" by J. Anthony Cookson and Marina Niessner
"High‐Frequency Trading around Large Institutional Orders" by Vincent van Kervel and Albert J. Menkveld
"Corporate Control around the World" by Gur Aminadav, Elias Papaioannou: forthcoming in The Journal of Finance.