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School of Economics and Finance

Education Excellence Award


The Annual Education Excellence Awards and President and Principal's Prizes 2020 took place at an online ceremony on Tuesday 8 December. The ceremony saw Principal Professor Colin Bailey and Vice Principal (Education) Professor Stephanie Marshall highlight the innovative spirit that has driven teams in every Queen Mary faculty this year to develop models of blended learning in record time.

As Professor Marshall recently wrote in an essay for the influential Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) think tank, this year’s move to blended learning represents "the next major shift in our approach to education."

SEF did very well, taking away four Education Excellence Awards. Please join us in congratulating our winners:

Dr Rachel Male - This award is in recognition of the vision and leadership shown by the recipient in the move to blended education in their School. They led on the development, implementation, and communication of the strategy, which offers face-to-face learning on all modules.

Sarah Riley - This recipient was key in putting together programme structures and timelines for January start programmes. They have also been heavily involved in assisting their School in securing a tender for a new Masters’ level degree apprenticeship programme.

James Kilvington - This award recognises a colleague who been key in achieving substantial improvements in the Schools’ Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) scores in the organisation and management questions. They have offered consistency of support to students and became the ‘face’ of the School and its professional services team.

Shahnaz Shahid - This award is for a member of staff who created guides and ran training sessions to ensure colleagues were equipped to move content online and record lectures when needed and developed a system to allow the School to run online exams effectively via QMplus.



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