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School of Economics and Finance

Asen Ivanov



Room Number: GC422
Office Hours: For EMAP: Fri 2-3pm on Teams (drop-in on Fridays with lecture and by appointment on Fridays without lecture); For everyone else: Fri 2-4pm in GC422.


Asen is a Reader in the School of Economics and Finance at Queen Mary. He obtained his PhD from the Ohio State University in 2007. His interests lie in the areas of public economics and behavioural economics.


Research Interests:

  • Public economics
  • Behavioural economics


  • Ivanov A. (2022) "Borda-Optimal Taxation of Labour Income." accepted at Social Choice and Welfare.
  • Ivanov A. (2022) "The Borda count with weak preferences." Economics Letters 210 (2022) 110162.
  • Ivanov A. (2021) "Optimal Pension Plan Default Policies when Employees are Biased", Journal Public Economic Theory, 23:583–596
  • Levin D., Peck J., Ivanov A. (2016) "Separating Bayesian Updating from Non-Probabilistic Reasoning: An Experimental Investigation", American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 8(2), 39-60.
  • Davis D., Ivanov A., Korenok O. (2016) "Individual Characteristics and Behavior in Repeated Games: An Experimental Study," Experimental Economics, 19(1), 67-99
  • Ivanov A. (2014) "Equality of opportunity and the alignment of incentives", Journal of Mathematical Economics, 53, 16-25.
  • Ivanov A., Levin D., Peck J. (2013) "Behavioral Biases in Endogenous-Timing Herding Games: an Experimental Study", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 87, 25-34.
  • Ivanov A. (2011) "Attitudes to Ambiguity in One-Shot Normal-Form Games: An Experimental Study", Games and Economic Behavior, 71, 366-394.
  • Ivanov A., Levin D., Niederle M. (2010) "Can Relaxation of Beliefs Rationalize the Winner's Curse?: An Experimental Study", Econometrica, 78(4), 1435–1452.
  • Ivanov A., Levin D., Peck J. (2009) "Hindsight, Foresight, and Insight: An Experimental Study of a Small-Market Investment Game with Common and Private Values", American Economic Review, 99(4): 1484–1507.
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