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School of Economics and Finance

Francesca Cornaglia



Telephone: +44 20 7882 8419
Room Number: GC520
Office Hours: Monday: 2 pm - 3pm or by appointment any other day of the week


Research keywords: Health Economics, Mental Health Economics, Microeconomics

Francesca Cornaglia is Professor of Economics at Queen Mary University of London.

Her main research interests lie in the fields of health economics, the economics of mental health, labour economics and applied micro-econometrics.

Francesca received her PhD from The University of Turin in 2005. Before joining Queen Mary she held a British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellowship at University College London.

Take a listen the School of Economics and Finance podcast episode: In Conversation with Dr Francesca Cornaglia to find out more about her research.



  • "Admissions to paediatric medical wards with a primary mental health diagnosis: a systematic review of the literature", with Lee Hudson, Faith Gibson, Gabrielle Mathews, Helen Roberts, Damian Roland, Adriana Vazquez-Vazquez, Joseph Ward, Dasha Nicholls and Russell Viner, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2024; 109:707-716
  • “Mental health admissions to paediatric wards in England”, Lee Hudson, Faith Gibson, Gabrielle Mathews, Helen Roberts, Damian Roland, Adriana Vazquez-Vazquez, Joseph Ward, Dasha Nicholls and Russell Viner, BMJ Paediatrics Open, January 2024
  • “Gender-based stigma and access to care: intersecting perspectives between health care providers and MSM in HIV care centres in Senegal“, with Albert Gautier Ndione, Fanny Procureur, Jean-Noël Senne, Aurélia Lépine, Khady Gueye, and Cheikh Tidiane Ndour, Health Policy and Planning, February 2022. A documentary film, Nio Far, was made based on this paper (see film and launch).
  • Cornaglia F., Drouvelis M., Masella P. (2019) "Competition and the role of group identity", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 162, 136-145 
  • Cornaglia F., Lekfuangfu W.N., Powdthavee N., Warrinnier N. (2017) "Locus of control and its intergenerational implications for early childhood skill formation", Economic Journal.
  • Crivellaro E,. Cornaglia F., McNally S. (2015) "Mental Health and Education Decisions", Labour Economics, Volume 33, Pages 1–12.
  • Clark A., Cornaglia F., Layard R., Powdthavee N., Vernoit J. (2014) "What predicts a successful life? A Life-Course Model of Well-Being", Economic Journal, 124, F720-F738.
  • Cornaglia F., Leigh A., Feldman N. (2014) "Crime and Mental Wellbeing", Journal of Human Resources, vol. 49, no. 1, 110-140.
  • Adda J., Cornaglia F. (2013) "Taxes, Cigarette Consumption, and Smoking Intensity: Reply", The American Economic Review, 103(7), 3102-14.
  • Adda J., Cornaglia F. (2010) "The Effect of Bans and Taxes on Passive Smoking", American Economic Journal – Applied Economics, vol. 2, No.1, 1-32.
  • Adda J., Cornaglia F. (2006) "Prices, Cigarette Consumption and Smoking Intensity", The American Economic Review, Vol. 96, No. 4, 1013-1028.
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