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School of Economics and Finance

Jason Sturgess



Telephone: +44 20 7882 8821
Room Number: GC424
Office Hours: by appointment


Jason Sturgess is Head of School and Professor of Financial Economics at the School of Economics and Finance at Queen Mary University of London. He was formerly a faculty member at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and DePaul University’s Driehaus College of Business and Kellstadt Graduate School of Business.

Professor Sturgess’ research focuses on corporate finance, including financial intermediation, regulation, and information economics, and asset pricing, including security lending markets, short selling, and limits to arbitrage. His research in these areas has been published in the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial Studies, Management Science, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, the Review of Finance, and Review of Corporate Finance Studies and other peer-reviewed journals.

Their research has won multiple awards, including the BlackRock Inc. and National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) Global Challenge for Innovation Award, an Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance (the Q Group) research grant, and the 2021 Best Paper award at the Review of Corporate Finance Studies. Sturgess’ work has been presented at numerous universities and governmental bodies worldwide.

Professor Sturgess received a PhD in finance from London Business School. He worked in project finance and M&A before pursuing his Ph.D.



  • Liberti, J., Sutherland, A., Sturgess, J. (2022) “How Voluntary Information Sharing Systems Form: Evidence from a U.S. Commercial Credit Bureau,” Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 145, Issue 3, September 2022, Pages 827-849

  • Degryse H., Ioannidou V., Liberti J., Sturgess J. (2020) When Do Laws and Institutions Affect Recovery Rates on Collateral?, Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2020, Pages 1–4. Lead Article and Editor’s Choice

  • Hwang B-H., Liberti JM., Sturgess J. (2019) "Information sharing and spillovers: Evidence from financial analysts", Management Science.
  • Giannetti M., Liberti J., Sturgess J. (2017) "Information Sharing and Rating Manipulation", Review of Financial Studies.
  • Liberti J., Sturgess J. "The Anatomy of a Credit Supply Shock: Evidence from an Internal Credit Market", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, (forthcoming).
  • Calomiris C., Larrain M., Liberti J., Sturgess J. (2017) "How Collateral Laws Shape Lending and Sectoral Activity", Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 123 (1).
  • Calomiris C., Larrain M., Liberti J., Sturgess J. (2016) "Which Creditors’ Rights Reforms Drive Financial Deepening and Economic Development?", Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Volume 28(4).
  • Porras Prado M., Saffi P.A.C., Sturgess J. (2016) "Ownership Structure, Limits to Arbitrage, and Stock Returns: Evidence from Equity Lending Markets", Review of Financial Studies, Volume 29 (12).
  • Sturgess J. (2016) "Multinational Firms, Internal Capital Markets, and the Value of Global Diversification", Quarterly Journal of Finance, Volume 6(2).
  • Aggarwal R., Saffi P.A.C., Sturgess J. (2015) "The Role of Institutional Investors in Voting: Evidence from the Securities Lending Market", Journal of Finance, Volume 70(5).
  • Pinkowitz L., Sturgess J., Williamson R. (2013) "Do Cash Stockpiles Fuel Cash Acquisitions?", Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 23.
  • Acharya V., Imbs J., Sturgess J. (2011) "Finance and Efficiency: Do Bank Branching Regulations Matter?", Review of Finance, Volume 15(1).
  • Choudhary P., Schloetzer J.D., Sturgess J. (2013) "Boards, Auditors, Attorneys and Compliance with Mandatory SEC Disclosure Rules", Managerial & Decision Economics, Volume 34 (7-8).
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