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School of Economics and Finance

Radoslawa Nikolowa



Telephone: +44 20 7882 3996
Room Number: GC415
Office Hours: Monday: 10am - 11am and Friday: 11am - 12pm


Radoslawa is a Reader in economics and finance at Queen Mary University of London.

Radoslawa’s research interests lie in the areas of corporate finance, corporate governance, and organizational economics. 

Before joining the School of Economics and Finance at Queen Mary, Radoslawa was a postdoctoral fellow at the Managerial Economics and Strategy group of the London School of Economics.


Research Interests:

  • Corporate Governance

  • Corporate Finance

  • Organizational Economics

  • Personnel Economics


  • Ferreira, D., Nikolowa, R. (2024) "Prestige, Promotion and Pay", Journal of Finance, Volume 79

  • Ferreira, D., Li, J., Nikolowa. R. (2023) "Corporate Capture of Blockchain Governance", The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 36, Issue 4

  • Ferreira, D., Nikolowa, R. (2023) "Talent Discovery and Poaching under Asymmetric Information", The Economic Journal, Volume 133
  • Nikolowa R. (2017) "Motivate and Select: Relational Contract with persistent Types", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, vol. 26
  • Nikolowa R. (2015) "Career Dynamics and Span of Control", Economics Letters, vol. 128
  • Nikolowa R. (2014) "Developing New Ideas: Spin-outs, Spinoffs or Internal Divisions", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 98
  • Nikolowa R. (2010) "Supply of Skilled Labour and Organizational Change", Labour Economics, vol. 17
  • Nikolowa R. (2009) "Mutual Monitoring versus Incentive Pay in Teams", Annals of Economics and Statistics, vol. 93/94
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