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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Comparative Literature and Culture Taster Event 2020 (for school years 10-13)

When: Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Where: online

The department of Comparative Literature at QMUL is holding a virtual taster event. This is suitable for students from years 10-13 and no prior knowledge of the subject is needed.

Students will be able to get a taste of two of our modules (on myth and modernity, and on Caribbean literature and the environment). We hope these will appeal to students with wide-ranging interests, from classics to human geography.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to speak to our current students and a chance to ask our Admissions Tutor what we look for in a Personal Statement.


Event contact:

Dr. Shital Pravinchandra
Admissions Tutor, Comparative Literature

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