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Languages, Linguistics and Film

George Steiner Lecture: Translation as a Shaping Force in Literature, by Susan Bassnett

6 October 2014

Time: 1:00 - 1:00am
Venue: ArtsTwo Lecture Theate, Mile End Campus, 18:30

Translation as a Shaping Force in Literature


Annual George Steiner Lecture: Professor Susan Bassnett


Monday 6th October 2014 at 6:30pm

ArtsTwo Lecture Theatre,

ArtsTwo Building, Mile End Campus


The lecture will look at ways in which translations have played a key role in transforming literary history. Despite the discourse of loss that has bedevilled so much discussion of translation in literary studies, this lecture will propose an alternative view, which is that the gains to writers through translations have been of huge significance. Translation as a vehicle for translational literary movement has been underestimated for far too long, and now, in the globalised twenty-first century it is time for a reassessment.


Susan Bassnett is a writer and academic, who has published widely on aspects of translation, comparative and world literature. Her most recent books are TRANSLATION (Routledge 2014) and a 4th edition of her best-selling TRANSLATION STUDIES (Routledge 2013). She translates from several languages, having had a multilingual childhood. She is currently Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Warwick, and Honorary Professor of Translation at the University of Birmingham. She has taught and lectured around the world, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Linguists and a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.


A wine reception will follow the lecture.


Admission is free but guests must register on eventbrite:

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