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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Thinking Language with Henri Meschonnic

22 September 2017 - 23 September 2017

Time: 11:21 - 11:23am
Venue: Lock Keepers Cottage, QMUL

Thinking Language with Henri Meschonnic

Meschonnic programme [PDF 692KB]

Organised by Marko Pajevic and funded by the British Academy and the Leverhulme Trust

The symposium will result in a special issue of Comparative Critical Studies, in the Autumn of 2018

Video 1 

Marko Pajević (QMUL/Centre Marc Bloch, Humboldt Universität Berlin): Welcome and Introduction David Nowell Smith (Umiversity of East Anglia): The Dynamic Unfolding/Enfolding of Sense Serge Martin (Paris III – Sorbonne): Towards an Anthropology of the Voice with Henri Meschonnic Respondent: Robert Gillett (QMUL)

Video 5  

Marko Pajević (QMUL/ Berlin): For a poetics of society: thinking language with Henri Meschonnic

Video 6  

Marko Pajević (QMUL/ Berlin): For a poetics of society: thinking language with Henri Meschonnic Respondent: Rüdiger Görner (QMUL)

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