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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Charlotte Slark, BA, MA


PhD Student in Geography, and in Comparative Literature



PhD: East is East: A Social and Cultural History of the V&A Museum of Childhood 1970-2010
A CDA project with the V&A Museum of Childhood.

Despite being part of the Victoria and Albert Museum since the nineteenth century, and being a popular museum in its own right, very little has been written about the Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood. Expanding on my MA thesis, my research is focused on how the Museum is part of two very different worlds; the East End of London where it is physically based and the West End based V&A complex/larger museum sector of which it is part. Looking at a period of great change in the way that museums were funded and governed, my research will examine how the Museum of Childhood's unique situation shaped the museum it is today.
Academic Background:

  • BA (hons) Illustration, University of Brighton, 2009
  • MA History of Design, RCA/V&A 2017



  • Collaborative Doctoral Program AHRC CDA


Research Interests:

Museums; East End; Class; Race; Social and Structural inequality

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