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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Dr Lucie Glasheen


Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Languages Linguistics and Film



I was awarded my PhD in 2020 for a thesis entitled 'Children's play, urban spaces and the transformation of East London in text, image and film, 1930-1939'. The thesis explores the relationship between children's play and urban development in a wide range of fictional and non-fictional texts created about, for and by children. The project was interdisciplinary, encompassing research into comics, film, local authority records, newspapers, and magazine writing and illustrations by children, and was supervised by Professor Kiera Vaclavik  in Comparative Literature and Professor Alastair Owens, Geography. It was funded by a Queen Mary Postgraduate Research Studentship. I have presented and published this research and am working on further publications.

I am currently a Co-Investigator on the Queen Mary-based research project Childhood Heroes: storytelling survival strategies and role models of resilience to COVID-19, funded by the British Academy, (PI Dr Rachel Bryant Davies, Co-I Prof Kiera Vaclavik). This project, a collaboration with children's magazine Storytime, focuses on storytelling past and present. My research focuses on the growing corpus of COVID-19 children's literature, and you can read my blog about it here

I am also a Guest Teacher in Geography at LSE and UCL.


UG Current:

  • Geography, Culture and Materiality, Geography UCL
  • Introduction to Geography, Geography LSE

UG Past:

  • Introduction to Literature, Comparative Literature Queen Mary.
  • Scene of Learning, Comparative Literature Queen Mary.
  • Understanding Culture: An Introduction to Cultural Theory, Comparative Literature Queen Mary.
  • Grand Tours: Nineteenth-Century Adventure Stories and their Twentieth-Century Afterlives, Comparative Literature Queen Mary.
  • Ideas and Practice in Geography and Environmental Science, Geography Queen Mary.
  • Guest teaching on summer school course: London in Modern European Literature, Fine Art and Film, SLLF Queen Mary.
  • Demonstrating (field trip and research methods assistance) on Geography modules: Reinventing Britain; Victorian London; Representing Nature; Research Methods for Geographers.

Activity Outreach: I have presented my work at a number of international and national conferences, research seminar series and symposia.


Research Interests:

Childhood culture; urban studies; play and playgrounds; historical geography.


Glasheen, Lucie ‘“The Casey Court House Builders”: Nineteen-thirties children’s comics and the material transformation of East London’, in The Materiality of Literary Narratives in Urban History, ed. by Jason Finch, Lieven Ameel, Richard Dennis, and Silja Laine, (London: Routledge, 2020) pp. 115-139.

Glasheen, Lucie, ‘Bombsites, Adventure Playgrounds and the Reconstruction of London: Playing with Urban Space in Hue and Cry’, The London Journal, 44:1 (2019), 54-74.


Public Engagement

  • Interviewed for “This must be the place” podcast, released 31 December 2016
  • Interviewed for King's College Radio, “Footnotes”, Broadcast 11th November 2015
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