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Waves of Difference – Trends and Tendencies in Contemporary German Literature (18th – 20th May 2015)

18 May 2015 - 20 May 2015

Time: 6:30 - 9:00pm

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Queen Mary's Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations and its Writers in Residence Programme the CAGCR has devised Waves of Difference – a festival which celebrates the Centre and its programme by showcasing contemporary German Literature at its best. For this occasion six prizewinning former residents – Angela Krauß, Terézia Mora, Matthias Politycki, Gregor Sander, David Wagner and Michael Wildenhain – will be giving readings in different locations in and around London.

All six writers will then come together on Wednesday evening for the absolute highlight of the festival: a bilingual reading and discussion at the Goethe Institute London, hosted by the renowned journalist and broadcaster Rosie Goldsmith under the title “Trendspotting. Six German Authors in London”.

Details of all events are given below. Most events are open to the public, many are bilingual, all are free of charge. If you are interested in, or intrigued by, contemporary German Literature, come and join us as often as you can: you will not be disappointed. 

For information about the participating authors please click on the pictures below




16th May

  • Reading of Terézia Mora at the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung

Terézia Mora will be reading at the London meeting of the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, Darmstadt.

18th May

  • Wine Reception to celebrate 10 years of the QMUL Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations

6.30 p.m.

 Senior Common Room, Queens Building, QMUL, Mile End Rd, London E1 4NS

19th May

  • Gregor Sander will be reading in the Deutsche Schule London (Not open to the public)
  • David Wagner will be reading excerpts from his novel “Leben” and other works at the University of Cambridge

 6 p.m.

 Parlour, Magdalene College, Magdalene Street, Cambridge CB3 0AG 

  • Reading and discussion with Angela Krauß at the Institute of Modern Languages Research As part of the series “Encounters: Writers and Translators in Conversation” Angela Krauß and her translator Margret Vince will give a reading of excerpts from Krauß's novel Im schönsten Fall (2011) in German and in English translation, followed by a discussion of practical and theoretical issues related to translation and a mini translation workshop for the audience.

 5.30-7.30 p.m.

Institute of Modern Languages Research Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

  • Matthias Politycki will be reading excerpts from his novel “Samarkand Samarkand” in an English translation by Anthea Bell at the University of Bristol 

Please register in advance by e-mailing Margit Dirscherl (


Lecture Theatre 1, School of Arts, University of Bristol, 43 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UU 

  • Reading of Michael Wildenhain (tbc)

20th May

  • “Trendspotting. Six German Authors in London”

 What’s trending on the German literary scene? Rosie Goldsmith will be discussing this question with Angela Krauß, Terézia Mora, Matthias Politycki, Gregor Sander, David Wagner & Michael Wildenhain – who will also be reading from new, specially translated texts.

 6.30 for 7 p.m.

 Goethe Institute London, 50 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2PH 



Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung

Deutsche Schule London

 Goethe Institute London

 Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR)

   University of Bristol

 University of Cambridge

University of Nottingham


Generously supported by:

Deutscher Literaturfonds Darmstadt

Goethe Institute London

Queen Mary University of London

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