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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Why feeling rules in Mexico? The grammar of emotion in Modern Languages

3 December 2012

Time: 12:00 - 12:00am
Venue: Arts One Lecture Theatre, Mile End Campus

The Kate Elder Lecture series was established in 1989 by the Department of Hispanic Studies by means of a generous endowment made by the parents and grandparents of Kate Elder, a student of the department who died tragically during her first year of study.


The next Kate Elder Lecture will take place in November 2013.


Published as The Kate Elder Lecture, Department of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary, University of London:


1. Robert Pring-Mill, 'Gracias a la vida': The Power and Poetry of Song, 1990 89pp. ISBN 0904188078 £6.50

2. Arthur Terry, Modern Catalan Poetry: A European Perspective 1991 22 pp. ISBN 0 904188 08 6 £3.00

3. Nicholas G. Round, Poetry and Otherness in Hardy and Machado 1993 31pp. ISBN 0904188108 £3.00

4. Margit Frenk, Symbolism in Old Spanish Folk Songs 1993 24 pp. ISBN 0 904188 11 6 £3.00

5. Nigel Glendinning, Painting and Poetry in Contemporary Spanish Women Writers 1993 24pp. ISBN 0904188159 £6.50

6. Thomas R. Hart, The Reader's Role in The Lusiads 1995 24pp. ISBN 0904188167 £3.00

7. Alan Deyermond, Point of View in the Ballad: The Prisoner, The Lady and the Shepherd, and Others 1996 95pp. ISBN 0904188264 £6.50

8. Stephen Reckert, Play it Again, Sam (The Question of Repetition and is There Any Such Thing') 1998 23pp. ISBN 0904188388 £3.00

9. Bernard McGuirk, The Falklands/Malvinas Corn(Flaked): On Simultaneous TransNation and the Poetry of War 1999 29pp. ISBN 0904188396 £3.00

10. Colin Thompson, Seeing the World Anew: The Poetic Visions of San Juan de la Cruz and Góngora 1999 21 pp. ISBN 0 904188 49 3 £3.00

11. William Rowe, Time in the World: The Poetry and Poetics of Gonzalo Rojas 2000 22pp. ISBN 0904188744 £3.00

12. Stephen G. H. Roberts, The Self-adjusting Sonnet: Pablo Neruda's 'Arte poética' 2002 30 pp. ISBN 0 904188 77 9 £3.00

13. Dominic Keown, The Liberating Instinct in the Catalan Lyrical Tradition 2002 20pp. ISBN 0904188892 £3.00


Lectures from 2002 onwards:

  • 2002 Professor Jason Wilson: The Mutating City: Buenos Aires and the Avantgarde, Borges, Xul Solar and Marechal

  • 2003 Professor Jo Labanyi: Love, politics, and the making of the modern European subject: Spanish Romanticism and the Arab world

  • 2004 Professor Chris Perriam: Neruda Visualized: film, photography, prints

  • 2005 Professor Catherine Davies: The Poet(isa) and the Queen: the Paradoxes of Royal Patronage in 1850s Spain

  • 2006 Professor Gareth Walters: The painful gift: critical phases in the poetry of Machado, Lorca and Espriu

  • 2007 Dr Martin Duffell: The Liberated Line: Versifying in the Twentieth Century

  • 2008 Professor Stephen Hart: Cesar Vallejo's 52 Autographs: A Garden of Forking Paths

  • 2009 Professor Abigail Lee Six: Peter Schlemiel a la española: Miguel de Unamuno's 'La sombra sin cuerpo'

  • 2010 [given March 2011] Professor Phil Swanson: Borges and Popular Culture

  • 2011 Emeritus Professor Peter Evans: All that Almodóvar Allows

These have been, or will be, published in the Hispanic Research Journal.


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