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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Career Paths for Languages, Linguistics and Film Students

When: Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Where: Online

Speaker: Heather Barsam

Have you wondered where a degree in Comparative Literature, Film, Languages, Liberal Arts or Linguistics could take you? 

The answer is, the possibilities are endless! QMUL graduates are now working across various sectors and roles in: Teaching, Translation, Journalism, Publishing, Marketing, Public Relations, Speech and Language, HR, Publishing, Film Production, Assistant Editor, Government and even Law!

Come along to our talk with Careers Consultant, Heather Barsam, to find out the career paths you could take after pursing a degree in one of our many subject areas. We will also look at the skills developed and required for these areas.

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