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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Film Studies Taster

When: Thursday, March 30, 2023, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Where: Online

Taster Session Schedule

Welcome: What is Film Studies? In this session, we will explain what makes Film Studies such an exciting subject. You’ll hear about our distinctive approach which combines studying film and making film, get a sense of what modules we offer, learn about our optional year abroad, and find out where some of our graduates are today.

Taster: 'The Cinema of Michael Haneke' - Professor Janet Harbord looks at the ways in which the Austrian director Michael Haneke, uses film language and techniques to create meaning and impact. Located mainly in France, his films are known for their harsh criticism of European complacency towards its colonial past. You will explore a number of themes and examples of his techniques and their impact on the viewer.

Q & A with current students: This slot is your chance to ask our current students about the degree, the modules they’ve taken, what it’s like to live in London, etc.

Advice/Questions/Personal Statement: We will take questions, tell you more about our requirements for entry and what we look for in a personal statement.

This taster session is suitable for Years 10 to 13; no prior knowledge of the subject is necessary.

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