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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Decolonising Film

Decolonising Film research cluster seeks to challenge not only the Global North canons of films, filmmakers, and film scholars but also the very epistemological underpinnings of film studies as a discipline. The cluster does so through work on film restitution, imperial legacies in archives, extraction zones, displacement, urban violence, effects of contemporary imperial warfare on antibiotic resistance, and dewesternizing film history, film analysis, and film theory. Its members are Ashvin Devasundaram, Eugene Doyen, Yasmin Fedda, Grazia Ingravalle, Nikolaus Perneczky, Daniel Mann, Mario Slugan, and Kiki Tianqi Yu.

What follows is some of the recent work in the cluster:

LGBTQIA+ History Month, Documentary –  Croíthe Radacacha (Radical Hearts)    

Global Epistemologies Research Programme (Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences funded project, Mario Slugan director, 2022-24).

Global Urban Violence (British Academy funded project, Ashvin Devasundaram network member, 2022-24)

Perneczky, Nikolaus, Restitution and the Moving Image: On the Politics and Ethics of Global Film Heritage (Leverhulme Trust funded project, 2022-24).

Yu, Kiki Tianqi, “Cinematic ideorealm and cinema as Dao: Daoism as a method to approach film aesthetics”, Screen 64.4 (2023) [forthcoming].

Mann, Daniel, Red Planets: Cinema, Deserts, and Extraction, University of California Press, 2023.

Fedda, Yasmin, Pathogen of War (2023, multi-media interactive documentary).

Ingravalle, Grazia, “Indian or British film heritage? The material Life of Britain's colonial film archive”JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 61.2 (2022): 63-87.

Perneczky, Nikolaus, “Motor, Mirror, Reinvention: Paulin Soumanou Vieyra on the African Cinema to Come (1956–1961)”Black Camera 13.2 (2022): 372-393. 

Doyen, Eugene, Film Narrative (Queen Mary University of London, Scholarship project, 2021) 


LGBTQIA+ History Month, Documentary – Croíthe Radacacha (Radical Hearts)

The stories of eight female couples who are pivotal to women’s and LGBTQIA+ rights in Ireland, including gender studies, and health care. Screening as part of St Brigid’s Day celebrations and LGBTQIA+ History Month (70 mins, Irish Language, English Subtitles) Croíthe Radacacha

Date added: Monday, February 5, 2024

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