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Languages, Linguistics and Film

A Year Online: Lessons Learned and Opportunities Moving Forward

20 April 2021

Time: 9:15am - 3:55pm

In an unprecedented year when teaching and learning has moved rapidly online, the opportunity to share what has been learned has never been more vital as a blended approach to learning is here to stay. In light of the QMUL 2030 strategy on online teaching, it has never been more important to develop tools and techniques for teaching and learn from each other’s experience.

There are many factors to consider with a move to online learning for both the staff and students and questions of engagement, interactivity, synchronicity and inclusion are all crucial to consider when designing materials and assessment for a virtual environment.

The aim of this conference is to explore aspects of online learning, teaching and delivery and to discover new ideas as we move forward with a blended learning approach.

All sessions are held on MS Teams. Please remember to keep your microphone on mute during the session. All sessions will be started by the Chair.

Follow the links below to attend sessions:

TimeSession details 

Welcome Session

9.15-9.30 Logging in

9.30-9.40 Welcome: Kathryn Richardson 

9.40-10.30 Plenary:Managing online content during Covid, David Read 

10-minute Break

Session 1 


The IFY Statues Project – a ‘community of inquiry’?   

Dr Jill Fenton and Mark Holloway 

Collaborative Learning Using Google Maps: example of the ‘Paris in Art’ module 

Dr Nina Rolland 

Session 2 


Mobilising opportunities for engagement and co-creation of an online community 

Sharon Turner 

Critical Friends Groups: developing autonomy and criticality in a mostly asynchronous context (PSE, course B)

Catherine Mitsaki 

5-minute break

Session 3 


Addressing bias in student writing online 

Natalia Zajaczkowska  

Break out rooms; success criteria.

Mark Heffernan 

12.25- 1.25 Lunch

Session 4 


Engagement and Community on the IFY 

Will Hutton 

Affect, Memory, Space and Learning: what happens in remote working?

Mira Shapur 


5-minute break

Session 5 


Building an escape room on QM+  (Workshop)  

Faith Nightingale 

Being a teacher: a forum discussion on the shift in teacher identity in practice   (Workshop) 

Chuk Dozie

20-minute Reflection and break

Closing session

3.15-3.45 Closing Plenary: Seeing through the lens of social justice: what have we learnt from the year of online teaching? Weronika Fernando

3.453.55 Closing: Faith Nightingale


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