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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Language Centre Teaching and Learning Conference 2024

When: Friday, March 8, 2024, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Where: David Sizer Lecture Theatre, Bancroft Building, Mile End

“Exploring Quality, Inclusion and Social Justice in Education: Insights from Research and Practice”

Conference Programme 2024 [PDF 398KB]

The Covid-19 pandemic together with (inter)national challenges and conflicts have made existing inequalities more visible. These challenges have been especially impactful in education in terms of quality, inclusion, and social justice.

To address these areas, our conference will focus on the following:

  1. Quality of Education  
  2. Inclusion in Education
  3. Social Justice in Education

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Keynote Speaker

Portrait photo of Professor John Gray

John Gray is a Professor of Applied Linguistics and Education in the UCL Centre for Applied Linguistics. With a background in English language teaching and English language teacher education, Prof. John Gray has published extensively on the (under)representation of different minorities in language teaching materials, the neoliberalisation of language teaching and teacher education, and language teacher identity. He is the author of The Construction of English: Culture, Consumerism and Promotion in the ELT Global Coursebook (2010) and Critical Perspectives on Language Teaching Materials (2013). He is also the co- author of Neoliberalism and Applied Linguistics (2012) and Social Interaction and English Language Teacher Identity (2018).

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