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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Paloma Luna


Teaching Fellow

Room Number: Bancroft 1.36


Paloma first trained as a language teacher in 1979 and for the following 3 years, as part of a team of three people, ran a Spanish Language department in Madrid.

After moving to the UK, she formed part of International House London (1992-2001), and from 1994 has been teaching Spanish in Higher Education institutions.

Her scholarly interests focus on Student’s engagement and motivation. She has run several workshops sharing her classroom-based observations and teaching activities, on different aspect of teaching & learning: Authentic Reading & Listening, Sounds and Lego, Involucreando (How to involve Students in the Learning Process while stimulating their creativity), Pechakucha en la clase de ELE and more recently, Competitive Reading… Collaborative Understanding.

More recently she’s exploring the uses and effect of music in language learning.

Professional Affiliations:

  • HEA Fellow
  • Member of ELE UK: Association of Spanish language teaching professionals in UK
  • Member of ASELE: International Association for the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language.


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