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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Dr Michael Watzka


Teaching Fellow in German

Room Number: Bancroft Building 1.36


Michael is a writer, journalist and teacher with ample experience both in higher education and in the news media . He worked as a cultural critic, editor and reporter for a variety of outlets and is the co-founder of the Berlin-based quarterly literary review metamorphosen

He received his PhD in Germanic Languages from Columbia University in 2021, where he also completed his MA and MPhil, and holds a BA from Humboldt Universität in Berlin. His thesis, titled "Writing Scenes and Telling Time: Post-War German Journal Literature Between Diary and the News(papers)", is located at the intersection of literary, journalistic, and socio-historical discourses and looks at diaristic texts in post-war German literature through the lens of news reporting and mass media.

Michael has taught Literature Humanities in Columbia's Core Curriculum and has several years of experience as an instructor of German at all levels. In addition to teaching modules in the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film, he currently works as a Teacher of German Literature and Language Acquisition at Marymount International School London. 


LAN4106 - German Language and Culture I (a)

LAN4107- German Language and Culture I (b)



Edited Volumes

Johann Martin Miller: Liederton und Triller. Sämtliche Gedichte. [Sound of Songs and Trills. The Collected Poems of Hainbund-poet Johann Martin Miller.] Berlin: Elfenbein Verlag 2014.

Journal Articles

“Ein One-Hit-Wonder? Die Lyrik Johann Martin Millers in den Kompositionen seiner Zeitgenossen“, in: Lenz-Jahrbuch 21 (2014). Nikola Roßbach, Ariane Martin and Georg-Michael Schulz (eds.). St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag 2014, pp. 111—146.
Grundlagenforschung oder mehr als nur Experiment? Boris Blachers 'Ornamente für Klavier' als Gründungsurkunde der Variablen Metrik“, in: Musik & Ästhetik 18/71. Ludwig Holtmeier, Richard Klein, Steffen Mahnkopf (eds.). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta 2014, pp. 65—81.
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