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Languages, Linguistics and Film

English in Social Settings

Module code: EAL3671 (sem 1) & EAL3672 (sem2)

HEAR transcript: included as co-curricular activities 

Module duration: 10 weeks / 2 hrs a week 

Skills Points for doctoral students: 20

Non-credit bearing  

Preparation and assessment: none 

Note: English in Social Settings 1 is offered in semester 1 and English in Social Settings 2 is offered in semester 2

If English is not your first language, it can sometimes feel difficult communicating with others in real-life situations. Perhaps you get nervous when someone starts some small talk or asks you what you think about the British government? This module gives you the chance to practise ‘real English’ from starting a conversation to dealing with digressions or giving encouragement. You’ll learn some typical conversational phrases and perhaps have a giggle about misunderstandings as well as learn different idiomatic expressions. These two different courses are aimed at international students and run in both semesters. You can take these modules in any order to build confidence in your speaking and listening as well as meet students from different backgrounds.

Key skills: speaking with confidence and fluency, using communication strategies, understanding cultural differences

Students' feedback on this module: 

"The classes were very relaxed and I felt free to express my opinions. We learnt lots of new words and everyday expressions. I also liked that the teacher introduced us to British culture - I feel I understand now more."

"I met fantastic students and enjoyed this class so much!"

"The materials covered many interesting topics, and I really liked the conversations we had in class. I would recommend this class to anyone who speaks English as a second language."

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