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What our students say

QM Elevate modules are very popular, and spots fill up quickly as soon as registration opens. Our modules undergo the same rigorous planning, preparation, and delivery as other programme modules at QMUL. Students' experience is very important to us, and we gather feedback through QMUL's university-wide module surveys, our internal programme survey, and direct communication: students sometimes just write emails to us sharing their opinions or they stay after the class and chat to their tutors about what they liked in a given session.

Here’s a glimpse of what our students say, based on feedback from the 2023/24 academic year. Read, enjoy, and join our modules!

EAL 4610 The Process of Writing

“I found the module really helpful! Before I enrolled in the course, I did not know how to write essays clearly. This course helped me understand the steps to the essay writing process. Our tutor was really informative and supportive throughout the 5 weeks. The teaching materials were well organised and valuable to look over as they provided many useful examples. The best technique was 'freewriting', which I now have implemented to help me complete two of my assignments so far. It was also fun to have the group exercises with other students. Overall, I would recommend this course to anyone who struggles with writing. It can help provide a good framework for many of the assignments that you will receive.”

“I really enjoyed the module! Each session was interactive; the lecturer was happy to answer our questions and turn them into a conversation so everybody could input their ideas, which I benefitted from a lot. The materials were very helpful, so I have been referring back to them for my coursework. I benefitted from feedback given during the sessions and got to discuss topics with other students.”

EAL 4204 Active Learning with Digital Tools

“I took the course 'Active Learning with Digital Tools'. Out tutor was very enthusiastic and fun. This course introduced me to so many new tools that I can use as an educator myself in addition to using them in my own learning (as a student). There were many interesting topics discussed such as use of AI and effective note taking by using strategies such as Cornell Notes. This short course is full of resources that can be used for effective learning!”

EAL 4621 Principles of Academic Writing 1 & EAL 4630 Structuring Arguments and Avoiding Plagiarism

“I decided to apply for different QM Elevate modules because my friend highly recommended them, suggesting they would help me improve academically and benefit my future. At first, I didn’t know what to expect, but my experience has been very pleasant. Firstly, my tutors were very friendly and welcoming, which made me feel comfortable and helped me to open up in classes.

The modules have been useful in many ways. I was able to identify gaps and mistakes in my comprehension and writing skills, allowing me to reflect and improve in my assignments. Additionally, the classes typically have fewer than 30 students, which is great because you get to meet classmates from various disciplines and years, and your tutor can provide more personalized support to help you improve your skills.

The teaching was very interactive and fun. Sometimes, my lecturers would use funny examples to help us remember certain structures, which was both enjoyable and effective. I would highly recommend anyone apply for these lessons, as they help you reflect on and improve your skills, which ultimately benefits both your academic performance and your future.”

EAL 4650 Effective Presentation Skills

“This module helped me learn how to do a presentation in a class and in my future job. I learnt how to visualise, how to deliver a presentation and how to handle questions. Our tutor’s teaching style was so engaging. I really recommend this module for all students.”

“Taking the module was particularly useful for an assignment in one of my main modules but also for presenting to clients and researchers. I learnt about the structure and prompters in an oral presentation and how to engage and deal with the audience.”

EAL 6201 Professional Writing for the Global Workplace

“Our tutor is an exceptional instructor, and I feel fortunate to have participated in his classes. His expertise in the field is noteworthy, and the lessons he delivered were both valuable and captivating. His distinctive teaching style added a special touch to the learning experience. I am confident that my classmates would concur that it was out tutor who inspired our consistent attendance. The ambiance throughout the five weeks was noteworthy, and I am delighted to have gained a substantial understanding of high-context and low-context countries, as well as the differences influencing the business environment.”

EAL 6204 Storytelling for Success in the Global Workplace

“The Storytelling for Success in the Global Workplace module was an exceptional learning experience that enriched my experience and understanding of the power of storytelling in professional settings. The focus on the impact of narrative on perceptions was particularly valuable, providing me with insights into storytelling techniques and cultural sensitivity, which are essential for success. The module's content was engaging and informative, and the lecturer's passion made it a valuable addition to my academic journey. I highly recommend this module to anyone seeking to enhance their storytelling skills and communication effectiveness in a global context.”

“The 'Storytelling for Success' module was a brilliant module that covered several aspects of storytelling relevant in different aspects of life. The module helped me to understand how to adapt different storytelling techniques to my academic writing as well as how to excel in interviews using proven methods. I also found its lessons on storytelling in the business space like digital marketing and data analytics very interesting and useful, I will definitely be implementing these techniques in future! The QM Elevate modules are also a great place to meet other students from different backgrounds and majors; I enjoyed speaking and collaborating with the other students in class where I felt we were learning not only from the module, but from each other especially when discussing our professional experiences. Lastly, our teacher was amazing! She had great enthusiasm each week and strove to build a positive rapport with students. I felt comfortable and confident expressing my thoughts in class and our tutor provided useful and insightful feedback on different tasks. Overall, I had a pleasant experience on this module and look forward to taking more in future.”

A student’s blog:

I am a 2nd Year Undergraduate Student at Queen Mary, University of London, studying English with Creative Writing (BA). I was informed about the QM Elevate modules through the marketing department in my home school.

In my first year, I took the following modules:

  • The Process of Writing
  • Structuring Arguments and Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Reading and Writing Critically
  • Proofreading and Editing Skills

In the second year, I took:

  • Effective Presentation Skills
  • Undergraduate Research and Project Writing Workshops 

The modules helped develop my critical and analytical skills because the teachers explained how to compose a compelling argument using essential materials and an in-depth study of academic writing. Also, as the Elevate modules were 5 to 10 sessions per semester, fitting around my main university timetable, they extended my core modules in my degree as I was given a comprehensive understanding of how to approach academic writing at a university standard. 

During the sessions, they were productive and valuable as I got to undertake several activities, including group tasks, individual activities on worksheets and PowerPoints and questions from the teachers. The tutors were proactive with the students, and they engaged with the materials provided by ensuring we understood the topics and terms. I had the opportunity to meet with other students from different departments during the group activities. Each task allowed me to take risks and make mistakes as I continued to develop my understanding of academic writing, which the skills and terms I learnt applied to my degree.

Outside of the academic field, the QM Elevate modules also supported me in a professional and occupational way as they supported me in application processes, CVs and cover letters. The skills I learnt supported my career pathway as a writer in an editorial position in publishing or a copywriter in media and communications within these sectors, ideally: Academic research, administration, libraries and museums, Publishing and journalism and Retail and wholesale activities.

Overall, the QM Elevate modules are a valuable extension to the main modules in my degree because the teachers provide a comprehensive explanation of the topics in the sessions. The modules have helped me improve my academic writing skills, especially in evaluation and analysis, as I have grown confidence in writing professionally and academically in my assignments and job applications. 

My advice for taking the QM Elevate modules:

  • Be proactive and engaging with the sessions, especially with individual and group tasks.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the tasks and topics. 
  • Do take notes of any essential information you hear.
  • Remember, the skills you learnt from the sessions are transferable and applicable to academics, career settings, and daily situations.  
  • Every student is in the same situation as you. We are here to learn something new.

Thank you very much, and I hope you enjoy your university experience at Queen Mary, University of London. All for the best!

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