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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Virtual PG Training: Mixed modelling in R

7 April 2020

Time: 1:00 - 3:00pm
Speaker: Elisa Passoni

Due to the current pandemic, we will hold this workshop online. Please follow this link to enter the virtual space:

You need to have the software R installed before the workshop. Go to and under the heading, “Download and Install R”, and click on the appropriate platform for your system (i.e., Mac, Windows, or Linux). You will be given the choice of downloading from a list of mirror sites. The download may be faster if you choose one that is near to you.The rest of the steps are specific to the platform that you are using.

Then, to install RStudio go to and dowload RStudio Desktop, the free version.

Also download the following packages:

  • install.packages(lmerTest)
  • install.packages(lme4)
  • install.packages(lattice)
  • install.packages(reshape2)
  • install.packages(ggplot2)
  • install.packages(piecewiseSEM)
  • install.packages(phia)
  • install.packages(robustlmm)
  • install.packages(emmeans)


This workshop is aimed at people who are (fairly) new to mixed modelling and as such, it doesn’t cover all the nuances of mixed models, but hopefully serves as a starting point when it comes to both the concepts and the code syntax in R.
  • what is mixed modelling?
  • fixed and random effects
  • creating a model
  • testing for model assumptions (and dealing with violation)
  • model selection
  • model output
  • results
  • (plotting and interpreting interactions - if there is time


Knowledge of basic statistics (e.g. distributions, variable types, statistical tests, model assumptions etc.) and basic R (loading and manipulating data, packages, using documentation) will be assumed for this workshop, however the training is open to all levels.




For more information, please contact events organiser Elvis Coimbra-Gomes (

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