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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Colleen Cotter, PhD (Berkeley)


Professor in Media Linguistics

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8294
Room Number: ArtsOne 1.14


**Currently editing the Routledge Handbook on Language and Media (with Daniel Perrin).

**Past research partnerships with the British Library (Social Welfare; and Sport and Society


**Courses taught: • Language and Life in London • Ethnography of Communication (theory and fieldwork) • Language and the Media • Language in the USA • English in Use • English/Linguistics Research Project

**Courses taught previously: • Language Style, Standardization and the Media • Media Discourse • Endangered Languages and Dialects • Public Opinion, Propaganda and the Media • Journalism in the CyberAge • Newswriting • Copyediting and newspaper production


Research Interests:

  • Sociolinguistics
  • Discourse analysis
  • Ethnography of communication
  • News media language
  • Endangered and lesser-used languages
  • Irish (Gaelic)
  • Language and culture
  • Language and identity
  • Public/written discourse
  • Language planning and policy
  • Technology


• "Discourse and media." 2015. In Handbook of Discourse Analysis (2nd ed.). Deborah Tannen, Heidi E. Hamilton, Deborah Schiffrin, eds. Malden, MA, and Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell: 795-821.
• "Print Media Discourse." 2015. In The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Karen Tracy, Cornelia Ilie & Todd Sandell, eds. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. Co-authored with Tom Van Hout.
• "Revising the 'journalist’s bible': How news practitioners respond to language and social change." 2014. In The Media and Sociolinguistic Change, Jannis Androutsopoulos (ed.), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter: 371-394.
• "Women's place at the Fourth Estate: Constraints on voice, text, and topic." 2011. In Journal of Pragmatics 43(10): 2519-2533. Special issue: Women, Power and the Media: Assessing the Bias.

• "Diversity awareness and the role of language in cultural representations in news stories." 2011. In Journal of Pragmatics 43(7): 1890-1899. Special issue: Towards a Linguistics of News Production.

• "Towards a linguistics of news production." 2011. In Journal of Pragmatics 43(7): 1843-1852. Co-authored.

• MONOGRAPH: News Talk: Investigating the Language of Journalism. 2010. Cambridge University Press.

• "The persistence of workplace ideology and identity across communicative contexts." 2008 (2006). Journal of Applied Linguistics 3.1: 1-24. Co-authored with Daniel Marschall.

•  "Online dictionaries as emerging archives of contemporary usage and collaborative lexicography." 2007. English Today: The International Review of the English Language (90) vol. 23:2: 19-26. Co-authored with John Damaso. Longer version at:

• "Prescriptions and practice: Motivations behind change in news discourse." 2003. In Journal of Historical Pragmatics 4:1: 45-74. Special issue: Media and Language Change.

• "Language and media." 2003. In Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (2nd ed.). William Frawley, ed. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.

• "Discourse and media." 2001. In Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Deborah Schiffrin, Deborah Tannen and Heidi E. Hamilton, eds. Cambridge, MA, and Oxford, UK: Blackwell: 416-436.

• "Irish, media, and maintenance." 2001. In The Green Book on Language Revitalization in Practice. Leanne Hinton and Kenneth Hale, eds. San Diego: Academic Press: 301-311.

• POPULAR BOOK: USA Phrasebook: Understanding Americans and Their Culture. 2nd ed. 2001. Hawthorn, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications.

• "Ensuring linguistic access." In A People Looking Forward: Interim Report of the Office of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. 2001. J.P. Singh (principal investigator), et al., eds. Washington, D.C.: 41-53.

• "Raidío na Life: Innovations in the use of media for language revitalization." 1999. The International Journal of the Sociology of Language 140:135-147.i


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