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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Elisa Passoni, PhD


Postdoctoral Research Associate



I am an experimental (socio)phonetician who is principally interested in investigating factors (linguistic, physiological, psychological and social) which influence the speech of those who speak more than one language (or dialect) in their daily lives. My work marries methods and perspectives from experimental phonetics, bilingualism, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics to examine the extent to which bilinguals modify their speech to (dis)align with language-specific norms and express individual identity.


Research Interests:

  • (Socio)phonetics

  • Experimental phonetics

  • Bilingualism

  • L2 acquisition

  • L1 attrition

  • Individual variation

  • Indexicality

  • Statistics for linguistics


Passoni E, de Leeuw E, Levon E ( 2022 ). Bilinguals Produce Pitch Range Differently in Their Two Languages to Convey Social Meaning. Language and Speech vol. 65, (4) 1071 - 1095. 10.1177/00238309221105210 

Baltazani M, Coleman J, Passoni E, Przedlacka J ( 2022 ). Echoes of Past Contact: Venetian Influence on Cretan Greek Intonation. Language and Speech. 10.1177/00238309221091939 

Passoni E, de Leeuw E, Levon E (2019). Two languages, two pitch ranges: The case of Japanese-English sequential Bilinguals. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetics Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 2019, 1650-1654.

Passoni E, Mehrabi A, Levon E, de Leeuw E ( 2018 ). Bilingualism, pitch range and social factors: Preliminary results from sequential Japanese-English bilinguals. Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech Prosody, Poland, 2018, 384 - 388. 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-78 

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