Célia RichyResearch - PhDEmail: c.c.richy@qmul.ac.ukWebsite: https://sites.google.com/view/celiarichy ProfileResearchPublicationsProfileThesis title: Linguistic Coherence in Bordeaux French Supervisors: Devyani Sharma, Sophie Holmes-Elliott, and Jonathan KasstanResearchResearch Interests: Language ideology ethnography of communication variationist sociolinguistics language and gender grammatical gender language perception Publications Richy, C. (2024). Combinatorial Effects of Southern French Features on Perception. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics, 30(2). Richy, C., & Burnett, H. (2021). Démêler les effets des stéréotypes et le genre grammatical dans le biais masculin: une approche expérimentale. GLAD! Revue sur le langage, le genre, les sexualités. [EN LIGNE] 10. https://doi.org/10.4000/glad.2839 Richy, C., & Burnett, H. (2019). Jean does the dishes while Marie fixes the car: a qualitative and quantitative study of social gender in French syntax articles. Journal of French Language Studies, 30(1): 47-72. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0959269519000280