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Languages, Linguistics and Film

For Hagit: A celebration

חגיגת חגית
xagigat xagit

edited by Linnaea Stockall, Luisa Martí, David Adger, Isabelle Roy and Sarah Ouwayda

QMUL Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no.47, 2022

A portrait of Hagit Borer

Portrait of Hagit Borer by James Cook, commissioned for this volume by Daniel Harbour.

Table of Contents

  Front Matter PDF
David Adger Introduction PDF
  Section I: Personal & Political  
Joseph E. Aoun Old friends PDF
Maria Arché A sublime impression in the memory PDF
Jenny Cheshire “What has Hagit ever done for us?” PDF
Lyn Frazier Hagit in Paris and Florence PDF
Sarah Ouwayda Brilliant & Kind PDF
Itamar Kastner British Jews and Antisemitism: A Crisis Not Yet Understood PDF
Melisa Rinaldi Happy Birthday PDF
Laurie Tuller, David Heap, Antoine Bustros, Noam Chomsky, Stephanie Kelly, Máire Noonan, Philippe Prévost, & Verena Stresing "Trying to break through the Israeli blockade": Hagit Borer's anti-occupation activism and 2012 travel to Gaza. PDF
  Section II: Linguistics  
Víctor Acedo-Matellán Approaching the puzzle of the adjective PDF
David Adger The parallel formation of verbal nouns in Scottish Gaelic PDF
Artemis Alexiadou Two puzzles with agentive nominalizations PDF
Elena Benedicto Not all Agents are created equal: Agents in Motion PDF
Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng & Hang Cheng The structural sources for syllabic restrictions in Mandarin PDF
Marijke De Belder Het verjaardagscadeau ‘the birthday gift’: Referential compounding in Dutch PDF
Noam Faust QoTeT verbs in Modern Hebrew and the Pro-Root vs. No-root debate PDF
Xuhui Hu Predicate Formation in the XS-Model PDF
E. Matthew Husband Nothing much for kinds PDF
Kyle Johnson What makes a theta-role PDF
Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson Icelandic ditransitives and the object inversion construction PDF
Beth Levin & Malka Rappaport Hovav Conventionalized agentive activities and compositionality PDF
M. Rita Manzini Two Numbers for Romance: -a plurals in Italian PDF
Ora Matushansky On the semantics of inanimate gender PDF
Roumyana Pancheva Determiner vs. adjectival numerals and nominal number PDF
Gillian Ramchand Words as Things PDF
Isabelle Roy & Bridget Copley A dual ontology across the grammatical / conceptual divide PDF
Ur Shlonsky Sluicing and its remnants: A squibón for Hagit PDF
Ivy Sichel How resumptive pronouns ameliorate island violations PDF
Tim Stowell A Past Passive Participle Puzzle PDF
Yasu Sudo & Andrew Nevins No ABA patterns with Fractionals PDF
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