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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Jewish Eyes - Looking at Jews looking at the Cross

28 March 2019

Time: 6:00 - 7:30pm
Speaker: Prof. Sara Lipton
Venue: Graduate Centre, room 6.04 (6th Floor)

The Visual Cultures Forum is delighted to welcome

Sara Lipton (State University of New York at Stony Brook)

speaking on

Jewish Eyes - Looking at Jews looking at the Cross


In this talk I explore how Christians used images of Jews to think about their engagement with their own primary sign – the cross.  After briefly reviewing two images that have shaped my thinking on the topic, and which I analyzed in depth in my recent book, Dark MirrorI turn to a previously unstudied image of an infidel contemplating Christ, which, I believe, highlights yet another area of Christian concern.  I close by examining a series of pastoral texts that echo this concern and help illuminate it.

Sara Lipton is Professor of History at Stony Brook, New York. She is the Spring 2019 Distinguished Visiting Fellow in the School of History at Queen Mary, University of London.

The event is free. All welcome! Please book here to assist administration.

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