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Languages, Linguistics and Film

The Impact of Brexit on the Relations between the UK, Portugal and the Portuguese-speaking Countries

28 January 2020

Time: 6:30pm
Speaker: Manuel Lobo Antunes, Portuguese Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Venue: ArtsTwo Lecture Theatre

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures at QMUL with the support of the Camões Institute for Cooperation and Language, the Portuguese cultural institute, is organising the Camões Annual Lecture 2020:

Manuel Lobo Antunes, Portuguese Ambassador to the United Kingdom:

"The Impact of Brexit on the Relations between the UK, Portugal and the Portuguese-speaking Countries"

 Manuel Lobo Antunes has been Portuguese Ambassador to the United Kingdom since September 2016. In 2001, Mr Lobo Antunes served as Diplomatic Advisor to the then Prime Minister of Portugal António Guterres, becoming afterwards Deputy-Director and later Director-General of European Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was then appointed as alternate representative of the Portuguese Government to the Convention on the Future of Europe. Between 2005 and 2008 he acted as Secretary of State for National Defence and Maritime Affairs and was subsequently appointed as Secretary of State for European Affairs. In 2008 he was named Permanent Representative of Portugal to the European Union.

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