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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Modern Languages Taster

When: Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Where: Online

Would you like to gain expert proficiency in your chosen language(s), enrichen your perspective by studying cultural materials from across the globe, and develop a range of transferable skills highly valued by employers? Join us for this insightful taster session.

Taster Session Schedule

This session will be relevant to all students interested in studying languages at university. No previous knowledge of a language is required. 

Welcome: Dr Richard Mason will introduce you to our exciting programme of study and provide an overview of its structure. 

Taster: 'Words and their contexts: How we put the pieces together when we study a language' - Spanish Senior Language Intructor, Xelo Sanmateu, will discuss how vocabulary, grammar and other relevant elements come together when we speak and study a language. Sample this module on the BA Modern Languages programme offering an insight into what studying languages is like at Queen Mary. All abilities welcome!

Q & A with students: This slot is your chance to ask current QMUL Humanities students about their programme, the modules they’ve taken, living in London, etc.

Advice/Questions/Personal Statement: We’ll wrap up by giving you a chance to ask any questions. We will also tell you more about our entry requirements and what we look for in a personal statement.

This taster session is suitable for Years 10 to 13; no prior knowledge of the subject is necessary.

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