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Languages, Linguistics and Film

A German-British writer? - Reflections on national identity and belonging

When: Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Where: Online event

Speaker: Dr Katharina Volckmer

'A German-British writer? - Reflections on national identity and belonging.

In this lecture I will look back at almost two decades spent here in the UK and how this has allowed me to develop as an individual as well as an artist. I will reflect on how I came to be described on German Wikipedia as a 'German-British' writer and what this means for my understanding of linguistic as well as national identity. Ultimately, I want to consider the question of how - in the light of recent political events and developments - the perspective of the outsider can be vital in helping us to understand ourselves as well as others.

Author bio:

Katharina Volckmer was born in Germany in 1987. She now lives in London where she works for a literary agency. She holds a PhD from the University of Oxford and her journalism and short stories have among others appeared in Lithub, FAS, Astra Magazine, London Magazine, HEAT literary journal. Her first novel THE APPOINTMENT has been translated into over 15 languages and has been adapted for the stage and radio in several countries. Her new novel WONDERFUCK is going to be published in 2025. 

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