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Languages, Linguistics and Film

CALL FOR PAPERS – Catalan Theatre in English: Past, Present & Future

When: Thursday, September 12, 2024 - Friday, September 13, 2024, 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Where: Queen Mary University of London; in person

Catalan theatre has occupied a paradoxical position in anglophone theatre. On the one hand, there seems to be a good deal of receptivity to the exciting experimental performance groups active since 1975. On the other hand, there is still little general awareness of the rich tradition of drama written in Catalan. Important dramatists such as Josep Maria Benet i Jornet, Sergi Belbel, and Lluïsa Cunillé, with consolidated reputations in France and Germany, have been relegated to predominantly fringe appearances in North America, Australia, and the UK. And yet audiences and reviewers have often been enthusiastic.

What accounts for this situation and how can it be modified? What are the particular challenges in translating Catalan texts? Which of the young dramatists writing in Catalan deserve productions in English? Are political issues attractive or off-putting? Do anglophone directors and actors have to adopt radically different approaches when performing Catalan plays? And does even non-verbal theatre encounter challenges of presentation and communication?

We welcome formal papers as well as workshops and talks based on personal experience.

Possible topics include:

  • Past productions & current projects
  • Reception studies
  • Questions of translation
  • Challenges of funding
  • Performance issues
  • Publishing Catalan plays in English
  • Catalan, Valencian or Mallorcan?

All presentations should last between 20 and 30 minutes (although workshops will obviously be longer). The main language of communication for the conference will be English.

We will be offering a number of bursaries to enable speakers, directors, and performers to travel to and stay in London for one or two nights free of charge.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 28 June 2024; notification of acceptance: 5 July 2024.

Guidelines for submission of proposals: word count 70-100 words.

For the submission of proposals, inquiries and further information, contact: Professor John London (; Centre for Catalan Studies, Queen Mary University of London.

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