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Doctoral Research in Catalan Studies: Challenges and Solutions

When: Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Where: QMUL, ArtsOne 1.36, Mile End Campus

Charlotte Byrne (QMUL),
Daisy Towers (Leeds),
James Chow Thomas (QMUL),
John London (QMUL),
Eva Bru-Domínguez (University College Dublin),
Louise Johnson (Sheffield).

10.30am: Registration and welcome
11:00am: Students’ Perspectives
- Charlotte Byrne (QMUL): ‘Embodied Research and els Països Catalans: Problems in Mapping a Historical Narrative’
- Daisy Towers (Leeds): ‘Building a Network’
- James Chow Thomas (QMUL): ‘Studying and Researching Catalan in the Future: Inter-Departmental Collaboration, the Role of Multilingualism, and Institutional Co-operation on Funding Trips Abroad’
12.00: Discussion; & comments by Neus Crisol Milian (Institut Ramon Llull, Barcelona)
12.30: Light lunch provided
1.30pm: Accounts by Supervisors and Former Students
- John London (QMUL): ‘Catalan Studies in the UK: Some Historical Reflections’
- Eva Bru-Domínguez (University College Dublin): ‘Displacing Mercè Rodoreda. Critical Approaches from the Outside’
- Louise Johnson (Sheffield): ‘“Help, I need a doctor(ate)!” Insights on a journey in Catalan Studies’
2.30pm: Discussion
3pm: Closing comments and tea/coffee
All welcome, but registration via Eventbrite is essential: 

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