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Languages, Linguistics and Film

China Scholarship Council (CSC) PhD studentship in French for 2015

The French Department is pleased to announce that it has been allocated one China Scholarship Council (CSC) PhD studentship for entry in September 2015

The French Department is pleased to announce that it has been allocated one China Scholarship Council (CSC) PhD studentship for entry in September 2015. Under this scheme, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) covers tuition fees for the successful candidate, and the CSC provides one return flight ticket and living expenses for up to 3 years. Candidates will need to demonstrate proficiency in English equivalent to an IELTS score of 7.0 (plus 7.0 in the writing element). The proposed PhD project need not focus solely on French; we also encourage comparative and/or interdisciplinary research proposals. Topics must, however, fall within an area that could be supervised by a member of the French department. The French Department’s research spans a wide range of topics, from literature to visual culture and sociolinguistics. More specific information on areas of research expertise is available on the departmental postgraduate study page.

Interested candidates should in the first instance contact a member of the French department directly to enquire whether they would be willing to supervise and to discuss their proposal. You are asked to include a 2-page outline of the proposal, including sections on research context, research questions, methodology and/or methods of analysis, and bibliography. If the project is deemed suitable, candidates will be asked to submit a formal application to the university by 31 January 2015, identifying themselves as prospective CSC scholars on the online application form. If successful in securing an offer from QMUL, candidates will then need to apply to the CSC by 5 April 2015 for CSC approval and to confirm funding.



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