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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Eddie Hughes, Professor in French, has been made a Fellow of the British Academy


Eddie Hughes, whose area of research is twentieth-century French and Francophone literature, is among seventy-six distinguished scholars to be elected this year as Fellows of the British Academy, 'in recognition of their achievements in the humanities and social sciences'.

As well as a fellowship, the British Academy is a funding body for research, nationally and internationally, and a forum for debate and engagement.

Professor Sir David Cannadine, President of the British Academy, said:“The British Academy has always recognised pioneering research in the humanities and social sciences, and 2019 is no exception. This year we have elected a particularly multi-skilled and versatile cohort of Fellows whose research crosses conventional academic boundaries. Whether it is climate conservation or the ageing society, the rise of artificial intelligence or social cohesion, our new Fellows’ wealth of expertise means the Academy is exceptionally well-placed to provide new knowledge and insights on the challenges of today. Their work has opened rich new seams of understanding and discovery, offering new perspectives on long-standing and emerging challenges alike.'

On receiving the Fellowship, Professor Hughes commented on the Faculty website: 'I'm delighted with this news. French Literature and its socio-cultural contexts is a subject I've long been drawn to and likewise the French language. Receiving this recognition makes me reflect back on the great teachers I've had and on the pleasure I have working with my excellent colleagues and our students here in Modern Languages and in the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film more widely.' Professor Matthew Hilton, Vice-Principal for Humanities and Social Sciences at Queen Mary added that Eddie Hughes's 'important contributions to the study of French and to our understanding of some of the greatest writers in modern France are integral to the excellent reputation enjoyed by Modern Languages at Queen Mary.'



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