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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Stellar results for Department of French in 2015 National Student Survey


Overall satisfaction among students of French at Queen Mary University of London is at 94 per cent, a four year high and up from 92 per cent in 2014. The results are from the National Student Survey 2015. The results rank the French Department as first in London for student satisfaction.

Dr Leigh Oakes, Head of QMUL’s French Department, said the results are 'great news for the Department and a testament to the excellent work of colleagues during the last academic year'.

Satisfaction with assessment and feedback among students of French is at 90 per cent, a five year high and up from 86 per cent in 2014. Satisfaction with the quality of academic support is also at its highest ever level of 92 per cent, up ten percentage points from 2014.

Overall student satisfaction at QMUL is at 88 per cent, up from 86 per cent in 2014. The 2015 National Student Survey ranks QMUL in the top ten among Russell Group universities and joint first in London for student satisfaction. 



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