Professor Marian Hobson, CBE FBA MA PhD (Cantab)Professor Emerita of FrenchEmail: hobson@mjeanneret.comTelephone: 01223 840673ProfilePublicationsProfileLecturer, Department of French, University of Warwick; "maître-assistante", Université de Genève; first woman Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge; Professor of French, QMUL, 1992-2005. Visiting Professor, Université de Paris 7 (1997), University of Johns Hopkins (1996, 2005, 2006), University of Michigan (2006), University of Harvard (2007); East China Normal School, autumn 2011, for lectures. Public service: Humanities Research Board, different positions with the Leverhulme Foundation, member of the Jury senior, Institut universitaire de France, 1999-2001, présidente du Conseil scientifique, Collège international de philosophie, France, 1994-1999; jury, prix Ernest-John Solvay, Belgium.ResearchPublicationsBooks Denis Diderot's Rameau's Nephew: a Multi-Media Edition, edited by Marian Hobson. translated by Kate E. Tunstall and Caroline Warman. Music Researched and Played by the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris, under the direction of Pascal Duc. Cambridge. 2014. 'The Object of Art: the theory of illusion in eighteenth-century France', 1982; 2008; trans. French, 2007. Trans. Chinese. Jacques Derrida: Opening Lines, 1998. London: Routledge. Trans. Turkish. 'Diderot and Rousseau: networks of Enlightenment. Marian Hobson, ed. K.Tunstall and C. warman, 2011, Oxford: Voltaire Foundation'. Trans. Chinese. Edition With Simon Harvey, also at QM: edition of Denis Diderot, Lettre sur les aveugles, Lettre sur les sourds et muets, 2000. Paris: Garnier Flammarion Edition of Denis Diderot, 'Second Satyre: Le Neveu de Rameau', 2013. Geneva: Droz. Articles Diderot and the eighteenth century "Spasme, pantomime et parataxe dans le Neveu de Rameau", Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 1984, p. 197-213 "Jaques le fataliste and the art of the probable", in Diderot: les dernieres années, Edinburgh, 1985, p. 180 -196 "Déictique, dialectique dans le Neveu de Rameau ", in Etudes sur 'œLe Neveu de Rameau" et "Le Paradoxe sur le comédien" de Denis Diderot, Actes du Colloque organisé Ã l'Université de Paris V II les 15 et 16 novembre 1991, textes réunis par Georges Benrekassa, Marc Buffat, Pierre Chartie, Cahiers Textuel , Paris, 1992, p.11-20 "Nexus effectivus and nexus finalis : Causality in Rousseau's Deuxième Discours ", in Rousseau et le dix-huitième siècle, p. 225-250, see above "What's wrong with St. Peter's: Diderot, analogy, architecture", in Skill, Technology, and Enlightenment, ed. Bo Göranzon, Berlin, Springer Verlag, 1994, p. 303-310. A translation by Leif Janzon into Swedish "Diderot, implicit kunskap och arkitektur: upplevda analogier", Dialoger, Stockholm, 1994.p.103-132. "Philosophie et style rococo", in Immaginazione et conoscenza nel settecento italiano e francese, a cura di Sabina Verhulst, proceedings of the conference at the Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 9 and 10 March, 2001, 2002, p. 53-59 "La physionomie: le portrait d'un exemple", in Le Metamorfosi del ritratto, a cura di Renzo Zorzi, Florence, Leo S. Olschki editore, 2002, p. 203-219` (a lecture given at the Fondazione Cini, Venice, 1995) "Measuring statues, or, special neutrality", in Paragraph: Editors' Anniversary Issue, 27, number 1, 2004, p. 33-49 Jacques Derrida "History Traces", in Post-Structuralism and the Question of History, ed. Attridge, Bennington, Young, Cambridge, CUP, 1986, p. 101-115. (Translated into Japanese, in Gendai Shiso [Modern Philosophy]. February 1989) "Characteristic Violence; or, The physiognomy of style", in Violence, Identity and Self-Determination, ed. Vries, and S. Weber, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1997, p. 57-79, notes p. 353-359 "Mimesis, presentation, representation", in Derrida and the Humanities, ed. Tom Cohen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. (Translated into French for Europe, no. 901, mai 2004, p. 118 - 28.) "I am not not a philosopher" - Publication in a Chinese translation of my lectureon Derrida at the People's University of Beijing, in a volume on modern European philosophy Miscellaneous (On Jane Austen) "Knightley as a screen near us", in Women Voice Men: gender in European culture, ed. Maya Slater, 1997. Exeter: Intellect Translations The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy, 2003. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. A translation of Derrida's first work, his "dissertation", written when he was 26 but first published in 1990. Marks of esteem Fellow of the British Academy, 1999 CBE 2002 Member of the jury senior for 1999 and 2000 in the Institut universitaire de France, which distributes major grants to academics across all subjects. Member, and then elected Président, Conseil scientifique du College international de philosophie, Paris, 1994-1999 Invited Lecturer, Université de Paris VII, March-May, 1997 Invited Professor, 1996, 2005, 2006, at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA Freehling Visiting Professor, Spring 2006, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA Visiting Professor, University of Harvard, Department of French, 2007. Website Links Cultural Transfers in the long 18th Century