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Emily Fuggle


PhD candidate in Visual Cultures



Emily Fuggle is a Collaborative Doctoral Award PhD Researcher at Ben Uri Gallery and Museum and Queen Mary, University of London, funded by the London Arts and Humanities Partnership. Her research explores the history of the Ben Uri through the women who shaped it, from its founding in 1915 as an arts society supporting Jewish artists fleeing persecution in Eastern Europe and the Russian Empire through its period as a cultural centre for emigré(e)s from Nazi Europe, and beyond. Her research includes examining the women administrators, curators, donors, collectors and facilitators involved in the Ben Uri, including Ethel Solomon, Erna Auerbach, Alice Schwab and Agi Katz. 

Emily has a particular interest in cultural history and museum practice in relation to exile and migration. Her previous roles include curatorial and exhibitions positions at the Imperial War Museum (IWM), the Jewish Museum New York and the Sarah Rose Collection of artworks by David Bomberg and his former students at the Borough Polytechnic, held at London South Bank University. The curatorial projects she has worked on include the management of exhibitions at the Jewish Museum in New York City including the delivery of new galleries showcasing the Jewish Museum collection (in 2018) and curating the history of Nazi persecution and the Holocaust at the Imperial War Museum. Emily was Project Manager and Researcher working on Whose Remembrance? – IWM’s first project as an independent research organisation, exploring the experiences of people in the British Empire during two world wars. Emily was also Project Curator for the initial phase of redevelopment of the Garden Museum’s collection galleries and recently completed the re-interpretation of their Tradescant Ark Gallery, telling the story of this seventeenth-century cabinet of curiosities in the context of England’s colonial history. 

Emily holds Associateship (AMA) and is also a Mentor for the Museums Association. She sits on the Methodist Modern Art Collection Management Committee, for whom she chairs the Exhibitions and Interpretation Working Sub-Group. Emily holds a MA in History of Art (modern art) from the Courtauld Institute of Art (Distinction) and a MA in Cultural Heritage Studies from UCL (Distinction).


Thesis title: Facilitators, administrators, and curators: The Women of the Ben Uri (1915-1995)

Collaborative Doctoral Partnership with Ben Uri Gallery and Museum

Supervisor: Dr Émilie Oléron Evans (SLLF)

Second Supervisor: Dr Chloe Ward (History)


Research Interests:

  • History of collecting
  • History of museums
  • Women curators
  • Cultural transfers, circulations of people, objects and ideas
  • Exile and diasporic studies
  • British and European Modernism 
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