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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Russian Play

This year you are cordially invited to the production of "The Twelve Chairs" by Ilf and Petrov on the 21st or 22nd of March 2024.

If you are interested to come or bring a group, please contact Dr Nadezda Bragina  with any questions.

Every year students of the Russian Department produce a play in Russian, a tradition which has been on-going for more than twenty years without interruption. Usually students take care of everything, from directing and acting, to designing the sets and preparing publicity. Even ab-initio students of Russian are involved in acting. Performing lines is a great way to develop pronunciation and intonation, and it helps develop confidence in speaking. Students receive coaching from staff on how to articulate their lines. And of course, the play gives students a chance to put their leadership, interpersonal, and organisational skills to good use, all things that come in handy on the job market. Participating in the play also enables students to get to know one another across the year groups and creates a sense of community. Indeed, former students often return to watch the show. Here is a list of recent productions and some posters.

Evgenii Shvarts, The Shadow

Leonid Zorin, The Pokrov Gates

Anton Chekhov, The Seagull ACT1  ACT 2

Evgenii Shvarts,  The Dragon

Evgenii Shvarts, The Ordinary Miracle

Mikhail Bulgakov,  Zoya's Flat 

Mikhail Bulgakov's adaptation of Dead Souls

Mikhail Bulgakov, Fatal Eggs

Anton Chekhov, Uncle Vania

Nikolai Erdman, The Mandate 

Nikolai Erdman, The Suicide

Nikolai Gogol, The Gamblers

Nikolai Gogol, The Marriage

Nikolai Gogol, The Government Inspector

Aleksandr Griboedov, Woe from Wit

Vladimir Mayakovsky, The Bedbug

Aleksandr Ostrovskii, Talents and Admirers

Andrei Platonov, 14 Little Red Huts

Mikhail Zoshchenko, Crime and Punishment

Mikhail Zoshchenko, The Wedding

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