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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Holly Warner

Holly is studying MA Linguistics

See why Holly chose to study MA Linguistics


Holly Warner


Programme of study

MA Linguistics

What advice would you give to new students thinking about studying with us?

If you are thinking about joining us in SLLF, you should look at the module directory. This has information on all the modules you can take, so really helps you work out what you might want to study, and gets you excited about all the options you can choose from!

Why did you choose to study at QMUL?

I chose to study at QMUL because there were so many choices for the MA Linguistics programme. It feels quite rare for one university to be so diverse, not only in its student and staff population but also in the modules I can study.

What attracted you to your programme?

There was so much sociolinguistics and the opportunity to study language and gender! Having done my undergraduate degree in linguistics, I already knew what I loved to study, and the MA Linguistics was a great place to expand my knowledge on things I was familiar with, as well as getting a taste for more unfamiliar things.

What do you enjoy the most about your course/QMUL?

It sounds so cliche, but I love the people. All the students are so great, and I've already made some great friends in just a few weeks, and the staff are incredibly helpful and make sure we feel valued in discussions.

How do you think studying your degree is helping you to reach your future career goals?

I would love to have a career involving linguistics so this course is great for helping me gain even more knowledge and understanding of the field as well as helping me refine my interests and giving me transferable skills that I can use in any career.

How do you like to spend your time away from your studies?

I definitely caught the baking bug in lockdown and now I love to bake (I'm no Mary Berry though!). I am also new to London, so I enjoy hopping on the tube and exploring different parts of London, which feels like a once in a lifetime opportunity.

What you would like to do after you finish your studies?

My aim is to start (and finish!) a linguistics PhD, but who knows what I will do after that!

Do you have any advice for students moving to/ studying in London?

Make the most of it! London is not like anywhere I've been before, and I sometimes can't believe how many different things there are to do, whether that's getting something to eat/drink, going to a museum/gallery, or walking through a garden/park, there is something for all weathers, budgets, and amounts of spare time. (Also get the City Mapper app because it makes the confusion of London public transport so much less confusing!).

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