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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Rory Deary

Rory is a Final Year BA Linguistics student

Watch a short video about why Rory chose to study BA Linguistics.

Which programme do you study?

BA Linguistics 

What advice would you give to new students thinking about studying with us?

If you are thinking about joining us in SLLF, remember to look into module options available. This will give you a more in depth understanding of what to expect from the degree. 

Why did you choose to study at QMUL?

Queen Mary's Linguistics department is number one in the country for their quality of research! At Queen Mary you are taught by and interact with people who have shaped current understandings of linguistic theory. 

What attracted you to your programme?

I also had the option of taking a year abroad at Queen Mary, which is not widely available if you're not studying a particular language. 

After working for a few years after finishing my A-Levels, I decided I wanted to go to university purely just to get really stuck into something I enjoy. I've always had an interest in linguistics.  

My degree programme originally included a year abroad, and while that was not possible due to the pandemic, the prospect of being taught not just by those at Queen Mary but by the lecturers a UC Berkeley as well was very exciting. 

What do you enjoy the most about your programme?

I really enjoy how much problem-solving is involved in formal linguistics. Many of the modules tend to be very hands-on working with data and understanding the theory through that rather than just being told the theories.  

How do you think studying your degree is helping you to reach your future career goals?

I am interested in doing a Master's in Speech and Language Therapy, which an undergraduate in linguistics will definitely be useful for. If I choose not to pursue that, linguistics is fundamentally theories of human communication. I can't think of a skill more widely applicable to the workplace in general than understanding how different people communicate. 

How do you like to spend your time away from your studies?

Making sure I still stay active after studying for many hours a day is important, so I go on a lot of walks. It's been a great way to see parts of London I haven't been to before! 

What you would like to do after you finish your studies?

Find work as a Speech and Language Therapy assistant to start saving for a masters. 

Do you have any advice for students moving to/ studying in London?

You might find you can't live as close to university as you'd like (I've never lived closer than 45 minutes away!) but pick where you live wisely and that might be a blessing. London is big - don't let your whole world be Mile End! 


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