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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Rose Stewart

Why did you choose to study at Queen Mary University of London?

I chose to study at Queen Mary because I was really interested in such a diverse university. I have grown up in London and to me it was important that coming to a university with a range of people and cultures was provided and doing a comparative literature and culture course, I felt like it was the best place for it, and I believe I was absolutely right in my choice because I love my subject, my school and the campus!

What attracted you to your programme?

What attracted me most to my programme was the range of modules that were covered from sexuality and gender based modules, to postcolonialism or climate change. I felt like this course offered way more than any other course I had seen and honestly I am more than excited about all the modules I have taken so far.

What do you enjoy the most about your course/the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film?

The things I think I have enjoyed the most about my course and school is not only the amazing content but meeting lecturers that are not only super friendly to speak to but finding people who have the same level of passion for the subject as myself. There is not a single member of staff in the School that I do not respect because every single staff member is amazing and inspiring.

How do you think studying a degree in Comparative Literature is helping you to reach your future career goals?

Studying comparative literature gives me so many skills towards future careers, I personally want to travel to different countries and be a journalist and report on wars and I feel by doing comparative literature in some ways i have an insight, as many writers who have written stories in many different countries usually base heir work in context. It has also meant my research and writing skills are quick and swift and so it will help me in my future line of work.

How do you like to spend your time away from your studies?

Away from my studies, I like to read, write articles for the university magazine cub, and I also engage in health and fitness outside of university.

Do you have any advice for students moving to London?

The advice I would give to students moving to London is, I know it can be daunting, its a massive city and you may feel anxious or worried at times, but if there is one thing I learn about being from the city is that there is nothing that quite inspires you like a city enriched with history, and culture. London is a place for you to really explore and I encourage familiarising yourself with the city as it will soon settle into becoming your home.


Find out more about our Comparative Literature programmes.

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