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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Postgraduate Research

The School aims to provide a stimulating and nurturing environment for postgraduate research. We are privileged to include many academics of the highest national and international research reputation, encompassing a wide range of fields from French, German and Russian Studies, Iberian and Latin American Studies, Linguistics and Film Studies to Literary and Cultural Studies, Modern Critical Theory and Cultural Theory, History of Ideas and Modern Continental Philosophy.

We receive financial support for projects from sources including AHRC, the ESRC and the Leverhulme Trust, and a number of staff members are fellows of the Royal Society of Arts, the AHRC Peer Review College, the British Academy and the Association of Art Historians respectively. Our postgraduate students enjoy the use of the facilities provided by the Arts Research Centre, the Lock-keeper's Cottage and the Graduate Centre.

Prospective research students are welcome to approach the School at any time in the academic year. We are happy to discuss research proposals and to provide advice both on academic matters and on possible sources of funding.

Applications for all PhD programmes must be made online.

To locate the online application form for your intended degree programme, see here.

For details of what you will need to include in your online application, please see here:


Visiting Research Students
We also offer short-term visiting student status to students currently completing a Doctoral degree outside the UK to gain supervision of their thesis?

More information about Visiting Research Students

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