When: Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 3:30 AM - 5:00 AMWhere: Physics (G. O. Jones building) Room 516 & online, Mile End
Speaker: Tays Miranda (Jyväskylä)
In this talk, we discuss the PBH abundance generated by a strongly non-Gaussian spectator component in the curvature perturbation inspired by the mixed inflaton-curvaton scenario. In our setup, the curvaton field has a vanishing mean such that the curvature perturbation has no leading Gaussian contribution. We show the parameter space for which the curvature perturbation generated by the curvaton has a sufficiently red-tilted spectrum making it negligible on large scales, and important only on small scales relevant for PBHs formation. We set up the formalism for the quadratic potential which generates a Gaussian distributed curvaton field with a power law spectrum, and show the phenomenological implications of our result.