Research Group: Chemistry Number of Students: 1 Length of Study in Years: 3 Years Full-time Project: yes
Conducting multiple catalytic reactions within a single reactor, often referred to as 'one-pot mode,' presents an appealing prospect for optimising energy efficiency and selectivity at a microscopic level. Unlike domino or cascade catalysis, where two or more reactions occur sequentially using the same catalytic system and mechanism, tandem catalysis is a one-pot transformation characterised by two or more functionally distinct sequential catalytic mechanisms. These mechanisms can employ either a single catalyst or two or more different catalysts. A significant challenge in the context of tandem catalytic systems, especially orthogonal tandem catalysis, is the need to kinetically and thermodynamically integrate both sequential catalytic cycles and the catalyst system while maintaining high activity and stability. For example, in alkane metathesis, nonoxidative alkane dehydrogenation represents an equilibrium-limited reaction requiring high temperatures, while the catalysts for alkene metathesis perform most effectively at lower temperatures. This disparity makes it difficult to achieve optimal operating conditions for both types of catalysts and reactions.
This PhD project aims to use these unique properties of materials and microwaves interactions to create a spatiotemporal independent reaction condition (e.g., temperature) on tandem catalysts and their interfaces. Thus, making the multiple catalytic reactions more kinetically and thermodynamically favourable. The successful PhD candidate will focus on: (i) studying the interaction of different composite materials of tandem catalysts with microwave radiation; (ii) designing highly MW active tandem catalysts for C-C bond activation by microwave-induced electric fields; (iii) monitoring the evolved changes of tandem catalysts in microwave processing using various ex-situ and in-situ characterisation techniques; (iv) exploring the application of new processes for the plastic circular economy.
From a training perspective, the PhD student will have the opportunity to acquire expertise in catalysis, inorganic chemistry and materials, microwave sciences and engineering, and industry collaboration, ultimately producing a unique interdisciplinary thesis.
Application Method:
To apply for this studentship and for entry on to the Chemistry programme (Full Time) please follow the instructions detailed on the following webpage:
Deadline for application - 30th April 2024
Supervisor Contact Details:
For informal enquiries about this position, please contact Michael Jie
SPCS Academics: Dr Michael Jie