PhD research topics are expected to involve
The detailed topics of the doctorate project will be decided between the supervisor and the student. An indicative list of available projects can be seen in the link on the sidebar. Graduate students will join the group in October for a period of 3-4 years and undertake a comprehensive series of lecture courses in the first semester covering particle physics theory, the Standard Model, as well as programming, experimental techniques and analysis methods. Further details may be found on our postgraduate lectures pages on the sidebar.
Students then work closely with their supervisor on a first year project which will form the basis of a First Year Report to be submitted by September, followed by an oral examination of the report. There will be another short oral examination at the end of the second year.
During the PhD, students will have the opportunity to attend national and international workshops, summer schools and conferences. In particular all students are expected to attend the UK Summer School for Experimental High Energy Physicists at the end of their first year as well as the Institute of Physics High Energy Physics conference in their final year. Students may also be offered the opportunity to spend extended periods of time abroad at the accelerator laboratories depending on funding constraints. All of our students are encouraged to participate in Outreach activities and public engagement which may involve work with the media, helping local schools, and participating in Masterclass and other science events.
Details on the application procedure, eligibility criteria, and funding opportunities including application deadlines may be found under How to Apply.