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School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

PPRC Ph.D. Theses (since 1990)

Arushanova, E.


Development of an 90Y calibration source and rejection of pileup backgrounds in the SNO+ experiment"

PhD., 2018, Queen Mary University of London

Prouse, N.

"The Intermediate Detector and Neutrino Phenomenology of the Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment"

PhD., 2018, Queen Mary University of London and University of Southampton (Joint NeXT position)
Lasorak, Pierre

Lewis, D.
"New Physics at the LHC: Direct and Indirect Probes"
Ph.D., 2017, Queen Mary University of London

Nooney, T.
"Angular analysis of the Bd0 → K∗0mu+mu− decay with the ATLAS experiment."
Ph.D., 2016, Queen Mary University of London

King, S.
"Leptogenesis constraints on low-energy neutrino parameters, and a measurement of the charged current zero pion electron neutrino cross section with the T2K near detector."
Ph.D., 2016, Queen Mary University of London and University of Southampton

Armitage, L.
"Measurement of the Drell--Yan triple-differential cross-section in pp collisions at 8TeV with the ATLAS detector"
PhD 2016, Queen Mary University of London

Back, A.
"Probing new physics mechanisms in neutrinoless double-beta decay with SNO+"
Ph.D., 2016, Queen Mary University of London

Langrock, S.
"Measurement of the Rayleigh Scattering Length and Background contributions during early data taking phases at SNO"
Ph.D., 2016, Queen Mary University of London

Poplawska, E.
"Study of the neutral current interaction with a π0 in the final state in the ND280 detector of the T2K experiment "
Ph.D., 2015, Queen Mary University of London

Cano Bret, M.
"Search for Quantum Black Holes and ADD Large Extra Dimensions with the ATLAS detector at a centre of mass energy of 8 TeV"
Ph.D., 2015, Queen Mary University of London

Cremonesi, L.
"Measurement of the muon neutrino charged-current pion production cross-section on water using the T2K near detector"
Ph.D., 2015, London, Queen Mary University of London

Alpigiani, C.
"Search for Rare B Decays into Two Muons with the ATLAS Detector"
Ph.D., 2015, London, Queen Mary University of London

Fletcher, G.
"A Measurement of W + Jets/Z + jets with the ATLAS Detector"
Ph.D., 2015, London, Queen Mary University of London

Hickling, R
"Measuring the Drell-Pan Cross Section at High Mass in the Dimuon Channel"
Ph.D., 2015, London, Queen Mary University of London

Snidero, G
"Measurement of the production cross-section of a W boson in association with a single charm quark with the ATLAS detector at LHC"
Ph.D., 2014, London, Queen Mary University of London

Inguglia, G.
"Time-dependent CP violation in charm mesons"
Ph.D., 2014, London, Queen Mary University of London

Goddard, J.
"A Measurement of the Low Mass Drell-Yan Differential Cross Section in the Di-Muon Sq root = 7 TeV Proton-Proton Collisions at the ATLAS Experiment)
Ph.D., 2014, London, Queen Mary University of London

Macey, T.
"An Algorithm for Measurement of Parton Fragmentation at large Hadron Colliers"
Ph.D., 2014, London, Queen Mary University of London

Castanheira, M. T.
"Single Top t-Channel Studies with the Atlas Detector for sqrt s=7TeV "  
Ph.D., 2014, London, Queen Mary University of London

Piccaro, E.
"Measurement of the low mass Drell-Yan cross section in the di-muon channel in the proton-proton collisions at [square root] s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector".
Ph.D., 2012, London, Queen Mary University of London

Hyndman, A.
"Muon Neutrino Disappearance at T2K".
Ph.D., 2012, London, Queen Mary University of London

Ellis, K.V.
"TRAPS: Topological Reconstruction Algorithm for Parton Scatters". 
Ph.D., 2012, London, Queen Mary University of London

George, M.A.
"Calibrating the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of T2K". 
Ph.D., 2010, London, Queen Mary University of London

Poll, A.J.
"Measurement of the top quark-pair production cross section with soft muon b-tagging in pp collisions at [square root s] = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector."
Ph.D., 2011, London, Queen Mary University of London

Sigamani, M.
"Determination of |Vub| using the lepton energy spectrum in events tagged with a fully reconstructed B meson".
Ph.D., 2009, London, Queen Mary University of London

Adragna, P.
"A unified approach to online monitoring and histogram visualisation in the ATLAS experiment".
PhD., 2009, London, Queen Mary University of London

Clarke, C.K.
"Measurement of Partial Branching Fractions for B->Xulnu and determination of |Vub|."
Ph.D., 2009, London, Queen Mary University of London

Shibata, A.
"Investigation of Electroweak Production of the Top Quark at the LHC."
Ph.D., 2008, London, Queen Mary University of London

Gregori, M.
"An experimental determination of the number of gluons in a proton using deep inelastic scattering data from the H1 detector."
Ph.D., 2006, London, Queen Mary University of London

Molloy, S.
"A fast feedback system for luminosity optimisation at a high energy linear collider."
Ph.D., 2006, London, Queen Mary University of London

Hartin, A F.
"Second order QED processes in an intense electromagnetic field."
Ph.D., 2006, London, Queen Mary University of London

Shorthouse, H.
"Measurements of the branching fractions of charged B decays to K*°± and XcoK± at BABAR."
Ph.D., 2006, London, Queen Mary University of London

Moyse, E.
"Design and development of a simulation of the ATLAS Level-1 calorimeter trigger."
Ph.D., 2003, London, Queen Mary University of London

Azzopardi, D.
"A measurement of the inclusive semileptonic B meson branching fraction at BaBar."
Ph.D., 2003, London, Queen Mary University of London

Potter, R. J.L.
"Search for decay B°K*-K+ at the BaBar detector."
M.Phil, 2003, London, Queen Mary University of London

Traynor, D.P.
"Hadronic fragmentation studies in diffractive deep inelastic scattering at HERA."
Ph.D., 2002, London, Queen Mary, University of London

Turney, J.E.
"A study of identified hadron fragmentation on eP collisions at Hera using the H1 detector."
Ph.D., 2002, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College,

McNab, A.I.
"Charmed hadron production in Z decays."
Ph.D., 2000, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College,

Evans, M. D.T.
"Charm hadron production in semileptonic b decays and the relative production fractions of weakly decaying b hadrons at the Z° resonance."
Ph.D., 2000, London, Queen Mary

Back, J.J.
"Calorimeter reconstruction studies for the BaBar experiment."
Ph.D., 2000, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College,

Donovan, K.T.
"Hadronic fragmentation studies in ep scattering at HERA."
Ph.D., 1999, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College,

Hodd, C.L.B.
"The f2(1565) in pp(ww) 1o interactions at rest."
Ph.D., 1999, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College

Markopoulos, K.
"Trilinear gauge coupling measurements."
M.Phil,London, 1999, Queen Mary and Westfield College

Odoom, D.H.K.
"Analysis of PP-> 4[pi] in flight."
Ph.D., 1998, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College

Griffiths, R.K.
"The first measure of relative partonic contributions in DIS at HERA using an average Hadronic charge."
Ph.D., 1998, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College

Rizvi, S.E.A.
"Bose-Einstein correlations in ep collisions at HERA using the H1 detector."
Ph.D., 1997, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College,

Scott, I.
"Analysis of J/psi-> (pi+pi-pi+pi-) and pp->5pi0."
Ph.D., 1997, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College

King, J.E.
"A study of charm meson production in semileptonic B decays at LEP."
Ph.D., 1996, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 47-954

Kant, D.
"A study of the fragmentation of quarks in e-p collisions at HERA."
Ph.D., 1996, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 47-953

Mavroidis, A.
"A QCD analysis of structure function data from electron proton collisions in the H1 experiment."
Ph.D., 1995, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 47-6269

Yeaman, A.
"A study of K and lambda production in b quark events at LEP."
Ph.D., 1995, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 47-3645

Heatherington, J.
"ToF - the time of flight device for H1."
Ph.D., 1995, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 47-3641

Raza, M.
"A feasibility study of the measurement of the CKM parameter Vub at a LEP experiment."
M.Phil., 1994, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 44-10021

Cooper, A.R.
"Analysis of data of pp pipi."
Ph.D., 1994, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 44-10013

Singh, M.P.
"A measurement of the charged particle multiplicity in Z ->b[b bar] events selected using the OPAL silicon microvertex detector at LEP."
Ph.D., 1994, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College

Barker, G.J.
"Lifetime tagging of b-quarks using the OPAL vertex detector at LEP."
Ph.D., 1993, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 44-10012

Malik, A, B.
"A laser calibration and monitoring system for a neutrino detector."
M.Phil, 1993, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College

Hasan, A.
"Asymmetries and differential cross-sections for the reactions=pppi-+ and =pp k^-k^+ from 360 MeV/c to 1550 MeV/c."
Ph.D., 1992, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 44-10016

Akrawy, M.Z.
"A study of the reaction e+ e- gamma between 88GeV and 95GeV centre of mass energy with the OPAL detector at LEP."
Ph.D., 1992, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 44-10011

Robins, S.A.
"A study of Bhabha scattering at LEP energies."
Ph.D., 1992, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 43-3498

Biddulph, P.D.
"An analysis of multijet final states in proton antiproton collisions at 630 GeV centre of mass energy."
Ph.D., 1990, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 43-3498

Lasota, M.M.B.
"The development of high precision drift chambers and the opal vertex detector."
Ph.D., 1990, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 43-3498

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