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School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Dr Christopher R Jones

Christopher R

Senior Lecturer

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 6631
Room Number: Room 1.07, Joseph Priestley Building


Chris is a Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London. He read Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge (MSci Hons, 2005), where he later obtained his PhD in organic chemistry under the supervision of Professor Martin D. Smith (University of Cambridge, 2009). He then moved to the University of Oxford as a Junior Research Fellow to work with Professor Timothy J. Donohoe. He joined QMUL in 2013 as a Ramsay Memorial Research Fellow and in 2015 was awarded an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship. His research interests are based on the development of new synthetic organic methods, with a particular focus on aryne chemistry and related applications in functional carbon nanomaterial preparation.

Undergraduate Teaching

  • CHE100 Essential Skills for Chemists (tutorials)
  • CHE102B Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry (MO)
  • CHE202A Structure and Reactivity in Organic Chemistry
  • CHE210 Essential Skills for Chemists II (tutorials)
  • CHE211 Practical Chemistry (MO)
  • CHE600/1 Chemistry Project
  • CHE700 Chemical Research Project
  • CHE410 Advanced Topics in Chemistry (MO)


Research Interests:

We are a synthetic organic chemistry group, interested in developing new methods that have the potential to impact upon contemporary socioeconomic issues such as new drug discovery and the need to find more sustainable chemical feedstocks.

As such, we aim to harness the high levels of reactivity of arynes, carbenes and radicals (“reactive intermediates”), as they afford unique and powerful opportunities to control challenging new chemical and biological processes.

In our group we are particularly focused on exploiting aryne reactivity for the development of new synthetic strategies, including direct Csp3-Csp2 bond formation and aliphatic C-H bond functionalisation, that will enable cheap and abundant hydrocarbon sources to be utilised and therefore reducing our reliance upon more limited and heavily functionalised starting materials.

Research department



Current PhD opportunities

PhD supervision

  • Qi Li
  • Haseeb Ur-Rehman Shah
  • Mi Zhang
  • Peter Lock
  • Khushal Siddiq
  • Zainab Shafique
  • Eleanor Mathias (50:50 with Stellios)
  • Kaicheng Zhang (50:50 with Stellios)
  • Yibing Chen (50:50 with Stellios)
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